Discussion: Breitbart Passes Off Photo Of Cleveland Cavaliers Parade As Trump Rally

If people ever looked at the word “demagogue” in the sanctity of a University Library and nothing more, they NOW know what it is. As Trump lurches closer to the Presidency–two steps backwards, one step sideways, never going below around 40%, always one terror “event” from scaring enough rubes to win–we are in the worst danger (a) as a nation (b) as a Civilization © as a Planet

Than at any time in the Planet’s History

Welcome to Les Moonves (of CBS NEWS) creation

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Breitbart also said they were just amazed at the crowd that is already assembled outside P.F. Chang’s in Portland, ME today after they heard Trump would luncheon there and offered up this photographic proof that he’s winning the Asian vote…big time:



You beat me to it…AGAIN!!!


And Clint Eastwood, Ted Nuggent and the KKK say the Cavalier’s Championship celebratory parade was really for Trump and proves the ethnic diversity of his base. The Cavs were only there to support the Donald.

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Yeah but that’s yak for the dummies. You don’t just walk in. You sign an agreement and that agreement stipulates how many folks can enter and meet fire codes. That was the case in Colorado. His people agreed to the number the Fire Marshall laid out. Then he bitched in order to put on a media show. Let him. He can BS all the way through this campaign, Lord knows that’s all he’s been up to till this point but there is a day of reckoning coming. He can’t juke the poll in November. You can’t skew that one and pundits can’t make of it what it is not. He can’t rigg it.

He’s going to lose.

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Fake photo – fake numbers, too, probably. 15,000? Probably more like 1,500.

Local news in San Diego Skews very conservative
Narrative is now
Trump train wreck & is it too late?
Once the narrative becomes the trope it is heard to fight
Just ask Al gore inventor of the internet


It brings back memories of beautiful photo of Obama’s massive rally in St. Louis by the arch, and the Repugs insisted it was Photoshopped. He couldn’t have had that many people gathering for him.

But my first question is, don’t the Cleveland buildings give it away? Or did they hold a massive Cavaliers rally in Jacksonville, FL?

“One of these days nobody’s gonna catch it.”

He’s got the Russian vote nailed down too:

Plus the German one:

And the Southerners show up at his rallies constantly:

Remember when Glenn Beck and rightwing sites tried to shill a photo of his Teabagger rally in DC in 2010 to prove there were millions of people attending instead of about several tens of thousands on the mall using Obama’s inauguration photos? Yeah. Same diff.

These fuckers never learn their lesson. Same old, same old.


Wow! This is good news for Donald Trump. Ever since science proved that convention crowd head counts win elections Hillary must be shaking in her boots.

Seriously though, all this says is that 15,000 people had nothing better to do on a Wednesday than stand and let a rambling lunatic con man tell them he’ll make everything all right. If anything, it’s a bit sad.

Cleveland doesn’t mind. Nobody’s ever mistaken Cleveland for Florida before.

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I forgot about the Trump Air Force:

A shot of the boys leaving for the Yukon…

@fargo116 Also, Hillary supporters attack peaceful Trump supporter at rally

Is there a functional difference between Breitbart and the North Korean press agency KCNA? I’m having trouble seeing it.

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Neat how they all wave together…Hi Donald!