If, after Trump made his “ban all Muslims” speech in November of 2015, you still voted in a way in 2016 that gave him the power to pick Scalia’s successor in the Supreme Court, this is on you, and voters like you.
This makes you wonder if Roberts, as many have been saying, really cares about his court’s legacy.
It also makes you wonder how his court would decide if Fuckface pardons himself and his mob family members.
This decision, this disgrace, definitely makes me feel much, much less optimistic.
My spell checker must have an AI algorithm built in. Every time I type in “Trump” now, it changes it to “traitor”
The Supreme Court says a California law that forces anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers to provide information about abortion probably violates the Constitution.
Centers that are unlicensed have to post a sign that said so. The court struck down that portion of the law.
The centers said they were singled out and forced to deliver a message with which they disagreed. California said the law was needed to let poor women know all their options.
Justice Clarence Thomas said in his majority opinion said the centers “are likely to succeed” in their constitutional challenge to the law.
Who wrote Thomas’s opinion? I didn’t think he knew how to.
Reading through this quickly, the decision basically enshrines GOP dogwhistling and fakery into legally valid strategy that a willfully credulous Court has promised to accept at face value. Breyer painstakingly goes into the facts of the “waiver” provision being nothing but window dressing, demonstrably proving that they wrote it to be facially valid, but with not only the intent to enforce it in a discriminatory manner…or simply not enforce it at all by totally ignoring the waiver provisions…but that it was all, indeed, motivated and underpinned by rank animus towards Muslims. The Fascist Five have now sent a giant signal flare into the night sky, as the light on the hill dies, letting the GOP white Christian nationalists know that they can DO whatever they want as long as they enact legislation that PRETENDS they are doing otherwise.
Not me. This is pretty standard, boilerplate Republican stuff. They’d rule this way no matter who were president.
I sure hope the “but her emails” people have learned their lesson now. They really owe us an apology but they got a stick so far up their ass they probably can’t talk anyway.
Elections have consequences. If you sat at home in 2016, or voted for a third party candidate, you brought this on.
I wonder how much those people really care about women and minorities.
Considering be fact that their actions have resulted in an untold number of children being forever separated from their parents and another untold being sent back to certain death, they owe the world a lot more than an apology.
You kinda read my mind on this. I really thought that there was a line in the sand that Roberts wouldn’t go past not because of loyalty to the rule of law but out of loyalty to John Roberts’ legacy. I am now disabused of that idea.
@chelsea530 As I stated before, women, minorities (soon to be majorities) and gays are all completely expendable to them. For these sh*theads, their deaths and/or perilous existence serves them right for not “voting right.”
Heads need to start rolling.
Not voting or voting 3rd party in November 2016 is working out real well.
But Goldman Sachs!!!
A Dred Scott decision for the 21st century.
In November, many heads.
And ALL because of the repellant and illegal miscarriage of justice by Mitch McConnell installing Neil Gorsuch to the SCOTUS.
Missing from the banned countries is of course Saudi Arabia, the country that supplied almost ALL of the 9-11 hijackers, but the average American rube can’t think too deeply, so why bring it up?
They have not and they will not.
Notice that our resident brainless purity troll has already posted about our “obsolete constitution” on this thread.
Unbelievable decision.
With this and Alito’s views in Abbott v. Perez
that the “good faith” of a “state legislature must be presumed,” even when there are very serious allegations of racial gerrymandering.
Considering that the state legislators were elected by that same racial gerrymandering
The fact that the Democrats let the Republicans steal that SC appointment really becomes a problem.