“there’s no use starting a process that’s not going to go anywhere and we are going to let the next president decide,”
…provided, of course, that the next president is a Republican. Otherwise, no.
“there’s no use starting a process that’s not going to go anywhere and we are going to let the next president decide,”
…provided, of course, that the next president is a Republican. Otherwise, no.
This obstructionist ass-hattery will cost them in the election!
its legal…they have some precedent to stonewall.
However this gambit only works if they win…
if they lose…
Sen. Lindsey Graham said that “there’s no use starting a process that’s not going to go anywhere and we are going to let the next president decide,” when asked why there would be no hearings.
When TPM asked if he had political concerns about the decision not to move forward with a nominee, Graham responded. “I have zero concerns politically.”
And therein lay the problem. There are no consequences for this. They know it and that gives them the power to subvert the Constitution with no impact on their jobs.
Does Mitch really want to make this an election issue? What was Scalia’s approval rating just before he died? Surely it couldn’t have been high enough for any GOP candidate to suggest allowing his clone on the Court is a good idea. Or am I being naive as usual?
From your big red lips. . .
Typo: I doubt they talked about the “American pope”, but I suspect they claimed they were doing this for the “American people”.
So then by this reasoning, shouldn’t all senators up for re-election this year stop participating in any decision making until after the election?
The politics will change as soon as Obama nominates, then these traitors will have to explain to the American people why a specific person does not deserve any consideration. If my hunch is correct Obama will nominate someone like Srinivasan from the DC court of Appeals who McConnell and Friends already voted for. Who worked for both Bush and Obama administrations. Who will be praised by many republican judges and lawyers as a stand-up guy.
Then if I were commander in chief I would start transferring every US military person out of Kentucky, Utah and Iowa.
Of course, if it had been RBG who had died, those evil motherfuckers would have demanded a “centrist” appointment – “centrist” being defined as anyone to the right of Alito – so fast it would have made your head spin.
That none of them has been struck down by a lightning bolt is perhaps the single greatest proof that there is no just God.
So, let me see if I understand this. The Republican Senators en masse have refused to do their duty by the constitution, instead kicking the can down the road in the hopes that their likely presidential nominee, Donald Trump, with the greatest unfavorable ratings ever recorded, will sweep them and their party into power in 2017?
Please proceed Senator.
Epilogue: Hilary, when you win, and the senate has flipped because of McConnell’s idiocy, please nominate Elizabeth Warren.
So should all members of the House of Representatives up for re-election this year.
…and these fuckers keep trying to redefine “lame duck”
Doesn’t this type of action break the law? As elected officials, aren’t they required to do the job they were elected to do? Is someone going to take this to court?
I hope there comes a lot of currently undecided people who will cite this very act of obstruction as the reason they voted against the republicans.
I also hope, the next President will be Hillary and have a Senate lead by the Democrats that will confirm a more liberal judge than Ginsburg.
Seriously, fuck them.
Fuck them all.
No, what they are doing is not “treason”, in the constitutional sense.
If I ever hear one of these motherfuckers mention the Constitution again, I am concerned I might resort to violence upon them.
How remarkably stupid of them.
"A putsch is a quick and dirty overthrow of a government; it tends to be used most often for places that experience a lot of these. Putsch comes from the Swiss German word of the same spelling, which means “revolt,” or “a sudden blow or push.” Another word for a putsch is a coup d’état.” Google
"We believe the American people need to decide who is going to make this appointment rather than a lame duck president," said Majority Whip John Conryn.
The American people DID decide by electing Barack Obama TWICE, fucking do-nothing assholes.