Now I assume the guys at Fox Not the News know that Hoyt is a Class V loony, right? I mean, sure they hire Class IV’s like Billo, Bible Spice and Mr. Potato Head but Hoyt is totally nuts. They know this. right?
It could’nt happen to a nicer guy.\snark
I agree, the man is evil. But I would stop short of supporting his physical demise. Voting seems like a better option.
Well this guy sounds pretty much insane. With a now established record of threatening an elected official, he could apply for a job with Las Vegas Police Dept. I hear they’re totally fine with insane ramblings and these kinds of threats of violence.
I’ll bet he never tips. Probably thinks just showing up is enough of a gift. In fact he probably doesn’t even pay his bar tab.
Apparently he said that he heard voices coming out of his car radio saying Boehner was evil. That would be Sean Hannity.
Given how much Boehner drinks, I’m sure the bartender knew him very well.
The bartender’s problem was that he said all this crazy stuff without becoming a cop first.
“…a loaded Beretta .380 automatic…”
And we believe he wasn’t protecting the world from the Second Coming of the Serpent Demon because conservatives assure us that guy is crazy?
We’re really supposed to trust one of them?
Without a doubt. In fact, Boehner was probably so rude and condescending that he actually broke this poor man’s brain, in the sense that all the bartender ever wanted, in five years of service, was a kind word, a nice tip, something to confirm in his own mind that a so-called “important” American leader considered him a worthy human being, and not just a slave at Boehner’s beck and call.
It would have been so easy for Boehner to toss this man a kindness, but I have no doubt that he ignores every human below the level of Congressperson – and probably most of them – and treats them all with the same repugnant disdain. This poor schnook bartender was no different than Homer Simpson in the episode where he’s filling in for Mr. Smithers and one too many screeching insults from Mr. Burns causes Homer to haul off and smash Mr. Burns in the face.
Except this guy wanted to kill Boehner, not just punch him, and I honestly can’t see anything wrong with that.
" Boehner’s Bartender Thought He Was Evil And Talked Of Poisoning Him" – this isn’t going to help the insanity defense; sounds pretty rational.
I could wish Boehner was less orange. But I don’t want to see harm come to him.
I don’t know that anyone in Congress really dislikes him.
This is a bad situation, and I’m glad it was stopped before anything bad happened.
Fantastic. Now we’ll get more grist for the mill of Republican claims of moral equivalence, aka “But Democrats do it too!” Because when it suits them, one lunatic who hates the Speaker is exactly the same as turning over an entire wing of your party to lunatics (many of whom wouldn’t think twice about poisoning the President if they got the chance.)
Wait, except the GOP is willing to make excuses for the latter lunatics.
Won’t truth be a defense??
Boehner is an affable idiot who’s probably good-natured, deep down. But as we all know, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions,” so maybe his bartender is right.
Silly mixologist! You can’t KILL the devil. He just assumes another pleasing form, and eats away at your soul every single day, till you no longer know right from wrong, and could care less. And that, my children, is how REPUBLICANS are created.
I’m just glad the crazy guy owns a gun. If he didn’t, surely the right wing noise makers would already be crowing how this shows just what typical democats are like. That he owns a gun shows that sometimes, it isn’t a political thing, it is a mental health thing.
Wasn’t a police officer reinstated after firing a gun at an Obama picture, and posting that it is time for a race war, plus other incendiary stuff? So a bar-tender said he’d like to poison Boehner…he probably isn’t even a Democrat; just a guy who got stiffed one time too many buy a self-important prick who is a big drunk. Which threat seems more dangerous? But which one is getting all the headlines?
Fact is any number of police, sheriffs,even Congressmen have said threatening things about the President and they seem to have all been blown off.
Boehner has been poisoning his own liver – from the moment he discovered his love of liquor.
@CVilleDem, the south is becoming a sort of prison (or hell on earth)… so it’s working itself out. I remember reading that threats against the President were up around 400[fuckin’ %]… and bear in mind that’s following the Bush Depression and his Dick.