Dear John: Do you honestly believe it’s possible to misinterpret “complete disaster”?
Let’s be adults here, dude.
So exactly what does Putin have on you, John?
“His attention span’s so short, he couldn’t even complete that!”
Trump botched his disaster.
“Complete disaster” is somewhat closed to interpretation.
Rumor is that Boehner drinks. Per Maggie Haberman.
And Chris Cilizza.
Actually, John, Rump’s regime doesn’t get any better when you’re sober so - best to just go by what you originially said.
I think that is way beyond rumor. Of course John drinks - that’s why he used to burst into tears.
But that whole walkback smells of somebody hearing from someone. John has very little to lose.
What? They threatened your pension?
Orange loves orange.
Choose your words, blue, or you’ll make him cry. I’m sure he meant “complete disaster” in the most positive sense.
Perhaps Mr Boehner can tell us when the disaster will be complete. Will it take an actual atom bomb or will merely burning down the White House do?
Sure. It’s the alternative definition.
We all know how this went. Boehner gets a few things off his chest and within eight minutes the phone is ringing and it’s all “Sure, I agree with you, hell, who doesn’t, but think about Mutual Friend so-in-so who has to run against a popular Dem in their purple state next year, you know it doesn’t help MF one bit when they open their papers and read that” and he starts crawfishing because he was always gutless that way.
Agreed, or it could be as simple as one or two key friends from congress calling him to beg him to walk it back because they’re dealing with a short-fused powder keg with nuclear codes.
[quote=“mattinpa, post:16, topic:56609”]
We all know how this went. Boehner gets a few things off his chest and within eight minutes the phone is ringing and it’s all "Sure, I agree with you, hell, who doesn’t, but …[/quote]
Unless Boehner trashed a Moscow hotel room where he was the only one there…
Meh. Graduating from diarrhea to loose stool is hardly something to brag about.