Discussion: Boehner Throws Shade At Ted Cruz And Slams GOP's 'False Prophets'

Discussion for article #241088

Maybe Boner saw what it was like for the President, not having any more f*cks to give, and decided that was for him too. I have a feeling the jackass comment is the tip of the iceberg as far as Cruz is concerned.


Nothing to lose now, so why not tell the truth…


John Boehner isn’t black and/or gay enough to “throw shade.”

He’s really just more of a 19th hole bullshitter.


his cruz comment is the truest, most succinct comment he has ever made.


Man, if Boehner can’t get along with a likable guy like Ted Cruz, it’s no wonder he’s out!


Republicans (lay people and politicians) succumbed to the TeaBagg bullshit…and, as long as it benefited the Party, they turned a blind eye, as relatively reasonable people left and all that was remaining were dopes, maniacs, charlatans and hacks.

They never gave a damn about self-policing…and if any such thing could be accomplished by putting their dysfunction on Democrats (or anything else) they would do it.

They will either decide to turn this foolishness off (no matter how much Oligarch $$$$$$ and MSM doofiness favouring the InsaneAsylum) or the Party might as well resign itself to being the Jeff Davis (regional) Party.


Yes, Boehner and recent polling confirm that a vocal part of the GOP would rather be lied to. They empowered lying and ignorance as a “valid perspective” and unleashed it on Obama. Now they can’t control the beast that is eating them alive.


Cruz as a jackass notwithstanding, the key statement is:

“…some Republicans had “unrealistic” expectations for how quickly things could be done in Congress because of the way the country’s founding fathers designed the system…They wanted this long, slow process,” Boehner said. “And so change comes slowly, and obviously too slowly for some.”

The takeaway for this bony-assed white boy is that there’s no disagreement on the ends – all militarism/plutocracy/social fascism all the time – just the speed at which it’s accomplished. Like Trump, the Tea Partiers are just not as smooth as the establishment GOP. Boehner is the kind of right winger that has no problem with invading Iran, he just doesn’t want to do it on Sunday or when his golf game is scheduled. Putz!


There is in fact a BIG difference between trying to implement your beliefs by Congressional consensus and trying to get your way by sheer intimidation and bullying, which is what the Cruz clique is all about.


If he’s going to keep dropping Truth Bombs, I hope a camera crew follows him back home after retirement.


Ted Cruz is about as Presidential as the guy standing on the corner yelling “The End Is Coming-The End Is Coming”. And Boener is a drunk that wormed his way up the ladder and found that there were nothing but worms left below him, he got what he deserved and his reputation as a weak, failed leader is also dead on the money.

None of this teabagging, deadheaded crap benefits the nation one iota, its just sensationalism in the daily news. BFD. There isn’t a diplomat or worthwhile leader amongst the lot of them.


I think I like this new, improved Boner 2.0.


His protesting now is too little too late, and I tend to agree with Sidney Blumenthal who allegedly wrote in an email to Hillary Clinton referring to Boehner as "louche, alcoholic, lazy, and without any commitment to any principle."


Yes, except the President is still in power and able to press his agenda forward. To bad Boehner came around only after conceding power. He should have spoken up much more when he was still majority leader. Too little, too late.


For a variety of reasons, this is why the next three elections are so crucial. If they lose the presidency both in 2016 and 2020, lose the House in a redistricting year, and the Senate goes back to the Dems and stays with them through 2020, the GOP will have to change. They will be left with no other option. They’ll be forced to deal with the reality that it’s not about candidates, it’s not about messaging, the problem is 100% policy.


Like Obama, Boehner doesn’t have any “f**ks” left to give.


As it’s been pointed out many times, Republicans have a penchant for becoming very reasonable when they’re personally affected by their policies/beliefs/rhetoric. I can’t help but wonder if this new and improved Boehner is finally a wee bit tired of the GOP now that he’s held his first grandchild who happens to be a biracial baby boy. Maybe it’s the Pope, maybe it’s just coincidence, it still seems awfully convenient that 6 weeks after becoming a grandfather for the first time Boehner has not only softened but is sounding more and more reasonable.


Boehner liberated! He must be feeling good right now.

I’m not yet sure it’s too late. Boehner can bring some votes to the floor that will pass with Dem votes that he felt he couldn’t when he worried for his speakership.

Now that he’s in zippity do dah land, he could wreak some havoc and make up for one or two past sins. Who knows? Stay tuned!