Discussion: Boehner Takes Revenge On Defectors By Revoking Coveted Placements

Discussion for article #231720

This will now be known as the, wah wah, rule!


Behold the wrath of Drinky, The Sad Tangerine!!!


Petty and vindictive.

Isn’t this one of the things the right accuses President Obama of doing — having an enemies list and punishing those that go against him (i.e. using the IRS against teabaggers…?)
Hmmm, can’t wait to hear the outcry on the right against Boehner using his power like that.

…tapping fingers on my desk…

…still waiting…

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Read the more detailed article about Boehner’s purge over at Politico, but also, read the comments beneath the article; the Wingnut Brigade and their flying monkey supporters are going wild.

Maybe Boehner has grown some courage? doubtful …

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Oh really?

Well I happily take my earlier comment back then.
LOL! Love it.

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Not at all - it’s Boehner showing the tiniest amount of leadership and control of his own caucus, something he’s almost never done in his entire time as Speaker. If he was doing this more rigorously before, he might actually get something done. Not that this would always be good, but remember that a lot of sensible legislation supported by even most Republicans as well as Democrats has been blocked by the wingnuts that Boehner is held hostage by.


Maybe too late for Boehner - he has exercised little genuine leadership for so long that to now try to create discipline may simply get him a whole lot of backlash.
If you gather up an army composed of an enormous number of misfit renegades - it looks impressive - as long as you don’t try to make them do anything other than exactly what they want to do … and if one day you decide to make them do something that does not match their desires - they viscously turn on you.


Damned fool just now realizing he could do stuff like this???

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Maybe instead of a stunt like reading the Constitution, Boehner should issue copies of “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”. It’s not too difficult to be on your best behavior on the first day of school.

Hannity will be all over this. He loves him some Gomer and is about fed up with Boner.


Wot? Was he drunk?

Honestly after hearing Manchin going on about how any gridlock is Obama’s fault this morning on NPR, I’d kind of like to see the Dems start using the stick like this when members start screwing party leadership.


They do. This isn’t a new practice. Wished they’d go back to the practice of earmarks so they can actually get things done in a bipartisan way.

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I know it isn’t new, I just wish they would use it more to rein in Dems like Manchin who are constantly providing cover for the Republicans and making it easier for the media to get away with their preferred “both sides are equally to blame” narratives. For example Manchin should face sever consequences for going on NPR this morning and blaming Obama for the gridlock in congress, but more than likely he won’t.


He won’t because they need him. Remember the speculation that he and King would caucus with the GOP before the election?

If you strike at the King, you’d best not miss.

Actually, he’s grown some majority. Nothing more, nothing less.

I could see that when they needed him to hold on to the Senate, but now that it is already in the Republicans hands? Him switching wouldn’t give the Republicans a filibuster proof majority and given he can’t be relied upon to stand firm with the Democrats against the Republicans anyway not to mention the “bipartisan” cover he keeps giving to the Republicans I’m not seeing what exactly the Democrats get out of keeping him. A maybe possibly easier road to taking back the Senate in two years? Frankly, I think they would be better served by forcibly presenting a more unified party message, than by keeping Manchin around to muddy the waters and provide cover for the Republicans.

Edit: I will admit that this is partly frustration with the Dems apparent unwillingness to stand up for their professed ideals as strongly as they should by reigning in this sort of overt backstabbing. Well, that and still being pissed from listening to Manchin blame the president for all of congress’ problems on NPR this morning.