Discussion: Boehner: I Could Have Stayed As Speaker But I Wanted To 'Protect The Institution'

If he really wanted to protect the institution, he would never have let Cruz step foot within the chamber.

After several minutes I asked them if they had CNN, and there they were broadcasting split screen with the Pope on one side and news of Boehner on the other. Have to saw my jaw was dropping…a convenient pose for a dental appt!

I was at work, on my first break, when I pulled up this site on my cell phone. I saw “Boehner Resigns” and all I could keep saying was Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow! I could not believe it!

I’m still in shock; never saw that coming.

I believe his first job as Speaker is to protect the Constitution not the Institution. He must have heard incorrectly on New Speaker Orientation day.

Let’s hope so

You can’t fire me … I quit !

I just watched his news conference. He really looks better–and happier–than he has since he became Speaker.

I hope so. I wonder if they’ll foul the nest so badly that they could lose their majority. If the Dems play it right (don’t hold your breath on that one) they can make the most of every crazy moment–especially if the GOTP goes for a scorched earth, take no prisoners, our way or nothing agenda (you don’t have to hold your breath on that one–they will).

McCarthy is semi-crazy already. He’s not Louie Gohmert crazy, but he’s definitely from the insurgent side.

How Boehner Made His Last-Minute Decision To Resig—And Kept It Secret

What does “Resig” mean?

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Is your dentist’s name Orly Taitz, by chance ?

Look, Boehner is an “Establishment” Rethug through and through. Anyone trying to succeed him will not the get votes necessary unless they express fealty (behind closed doors) to the rethug “Establishment.” A Teahadist will not become speaker.

The rethug “Establishment” is made up mostly of “Old Money,” The Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street and the Multinational Corporations (with the exception of the Kochs and a few of their Bircher buddies.) This group is not a big fan of Federal Government shutdowns because of the harm that comes to what is left of the party’s image.

They are especially concerned about the looming Debt Ceiling fight. Default on the national debt could cause negative repercussions throughout not only the US but also the entire global economy. They know they are dealing with crazies who are willing to burn down the house just to make a point.

We will probably see some unsuccessful “show” votes on potential speakers but the one finally wins a majority, probably with the help of Pelosi, will have already have his/her marching orders from the “Establishment” and they will be in for the same crap Boehner has had to deal with.

And so it goes. Ever since Gingrich intrigued his way into shank range of Bob Michels, each of them has been succeeded by one who was worse–crazier, dumber, more doctrinaire, more nihilistic. Gingrich was succeeded by DeLay acting through his handpuppet Hastert, Hastert was succeeded by Boehner, who was vastly dumber and more openly corrupt and inept, Boeher gets succeeded by McCarthy, McCarthy will be intrigued out of office in his turn and then again and again until the radical right finally manages to get someone in who’ll take the country over the fiscal cliff and impeach whatever Democrat is then or next occupying the Oval Office for being a Democrat.

Ultimately, the disintegration of our ability to govern is all on Gingrich. He’s the one who perceived that the Democrats’ observance of the boundaries and unwritten rules laboriously fashioned over centuries to make our inherently unworkable separation of powers system function could be exploited as a weakness and and that those rules and boundaries were barriers to the radical right agenda to be smashed.