When I raised this point to a Republican friend of mine, he responded by saying difference is that Bobby’s parents were here legally. And that is true. His mother, a graduate student in nuclear physics, was allowed entry on a student visa so she could attend grad school in Louisiana. She just happened to be several months pregnant when she arrived. Isn’t Bobby lucky that mom decided not to give birth in her home country before coming to America? Isn’t Bobby lucky that his parents were able to stay here after the student visa expired? He wants it both ways, because his parents were different. Because they were his parents.
I know the competition is fierce, and there are many metrics to consider. But, I’ve always felt the BJ is the biggest clown of the bunch. There’s something about his timing; always being the last to jump on the coattails of some dying conservative meme and doubling down just as others slink away due to diminishing returns, that give him a painful air of awkwardness and desperation unique among this GOP field.
So his parents over stayed their visas? About 40% on illegal immigrants enter the country that way. No wall will stop that. Unless of course you put a wall around JFK, LAX, SFO, etc. Would make them useless as airports.
Under a NEW definition of citizenship that he NOW supports, Jindal IS an anchor baby. But since he wasn’t one under the old law, he’s doing his part in helping screw over some brown kids. Isn’t he the guy who after 2012 said the party should rethink it’s image and reach out to minorities?
"I’m not an anchor baby. Just someone who attained his citizenship as a birthright, by virtue of the fact that my parents were living unnaturalized in the US when I was born.
We must end birthright citizenship!"
“Last one in, shut the door behind you.”
Bobby Jindal: No, I’m Not An ‘Anchor Baby’
…but I play one on TV…
Ha ha ha …as if Jeb knows that India is in Asia…ha ha ha… good one…
Denial, river in Egypt, yada, yada.
How many GOP supporters would drink the ‘koolaid’ to find out?
Maybe he needs an exorcism?
Man, that took longer than I thought. Yeah Bab… er Bobby, you fell into that steaming pile face first. Your parents came to the US for educational purposes and were able to stay because YOU were born here. I guess that makes you one of them babies. You can try to redefine the term, but the people who use that word regularly have been giving you the side-eye for a while.
Don’t run from your situation, embrace it!
So the Republican anchor baby argument is that that it’s wrong to stay because you have a baby who is an American citizen if you entered illegally but okay to stay because you have a baby ho is an American citizen if you are overstaying illegally?
Poor Li’l Piyush!
Hoist by his own petard again.
He is the classic right-wing definition of an anchor baby.
oh yeah he has supporters … the tea party idgits ya know thiose who suffer from H,U,A syndrome…Head Up Ass
No, Jindal’s not an anchor baby,still, you think the guy would have some compassion…but you’d be wrong. Jindal doesn’t do compassion. He doesn’t do victory either, not in this 2016 campaign.
For the longest he was polling at 2%. That has changed to 0%. The Jindal campaign is dead, he just won’t face the reality. He has lost, but he refuses to go home.
thanks I needed that wake-up laugh… yea it’s noon but I worked all night getting home at 7:00, great to start the day with a belly laugh, thanks Bobby.
Exactly as 40% of all “anchor babies” are born each year, parents arrive on a work (H1b) or student visa and away we go…
It all started to go downhill with “Good evening, and Happy Mardi Gras.”
Yes, he’s a natural born citizen, but he’s still an anchor baby according to the current GOP orthodoxy. Tant pis.