What was disgraceful about that ad? Or do you mean his camp found it disgraceful?
No offense intended Senator Dole but no one gives a rats ass who you support.
Dole and Poppy are contemporaries…and you know what Rummy says about that.
I voted for Bill Clinton-- and happily so. But I think the tenor, not to mention the vocabulary, of some of these comments is way below the TPM threshold.
Plus Cruz has no respect for the Chamber he sits in, which has to piss off an old schooler like Bob (Viagra) Dole.
Well, he did push that product back in the day before they used spokes person who clearly don’t need it.
Bob Dole is the original “Get Off My Lawn” Republican.
Sorry McWar. You were soooo close, by just a scooch.
But he was always a much nicer person when he talked about himself in third person…Funny how that worked. The ‘real’ Bob Dole would certainly take issue with that assessment of course.
[quote=“CABchi, post:25, topic:28875, full:true”]
I voted for Bill Clinton-- and happily so. But I think the tenor, not to mention the vocabulary, of some of these comments is way below the TPM threshold.
Yup, and he was actually the original obstructionist, publicly declaring that the Republicans would block everything the newly elected President Clinton tried to accomplish. He and Newt really were the template for Boehner and McConnell.
Those commercials were the only sane thing anyone from the GOP has done about sex in living memory.
Jeb’s campaign is now officially on the Dole.
Really? How so?
Now, had it been available fifteen years ago, I think Mrs. Dole doing a commercial for the new “female Viagra” would have sent a more positive message rather than just another old guy who can’t get it up anymore (perhaps for a wife whose thought was, “Glad all that’s over”).
Commercials for ED help are no more necessary than ads for Pepto Bismol or adult diapers. Very much one of those, “Keep it to yourself” parts of life.
Americans are such prudes.