Discussion: BLM Shooting Suspect Was Camping On Federal Land Without Permission

Discussion for article #224221

Sovereign Sponges


I forget, which Amendment is it that states that “Congress shall make no law infringing upon the right of deranged citizens to freeload upon the rest of us?” Would that be Amendment 2½? Or is it Amendment 7¾?


All the wingnuts who fantasize that if it were 1850, they’d have to do no more than move onto land no one else was apparently squatting on and voila! They’re suddenly landowners and can exploit at will!


I wonder if they’ll let him keep his autographed Sean Hannity in a speedo poster?


How is this news? The guy shot two officers because of some nutjob theory on sovereign citizenry and we should be shocked that he was “illegally camping” too? Oh wow, illegal camping, OMG what has this world come to?

or unload

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Hey Pissboy… Wow…just wow.


Oh my god… Further details about a previously-completely-sane gun owner turning into a dangerously mentally disturbed person and shooting two people. You’re right EG, nothing to see here.


Bigot cued…


Your fake outrage is embarrassing.


There’s going to be more of this, sad to say. Right now it’s the ones who were mentally ill to begin with. But as the neofascist hate speech intensifies on Fox and AM radio, those with borderline illnesses will have their illness exacerbated by all the violent talk.

You can’t unring a bell, or put a cork in Limblubber’s flapping caviar hole. Yes, this kind of insanity is going to increase.


I wonder if his new roommate, "La Steve" will have the altruism to give him a reach-around.

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Sovereign citizen movement

Self-described sovereign citizens take the position that they are answerable only to their particular interpretation of the term common law and are not subject to any statutes or proceedings at the federal, state, or municipal levels, or that they do not recognize U.S. currency and that they are “free of any legal constraints”…

“Free of any legal constraints,” huh? Then they’re anarchists and are free of “legal rights,” too.

Deport them!


Isn’t it funny that the right is always talking about how it’s liberals who want “free stuff”?


Sovereign non compos mentis–every last one of them.

If you declare you are a ‘Sovereign citizen’ you need to be deported by the Federal Government outside the borders to international waters to a rubber raft with a gallon of water and a fish hook.

Set foot on American soil again and do HARD LABOR. When your sentence is over, back to the rubber boat.


Aha, I knew it… you’re actually a deeply closeted liberal.

As the US government cedes power to gun lunatics. How different are we from the Iraq government versus ISIS thugs threatening the elected government in Iraq?
It is frightening to see the US descend into lawless chaos similar to the Middle East and Africa.
When the US Government backs down to a group of armed thugs (Cliven Bundy vs. BLM) and two police officers are murdered in cold blood by people espousing “the revolution has begun.”

Add to this the open carry movement that wants to make every shopping center a potential shooting gallery. When will we say enough is enough? I have written the CEO of Target to let him know I will not shop in a store where ordinary citizens are carrying guns.

It is time to take action and create sensible gun legislation to protect the population.

We’re a nation of dumb white men it appears.


Is that what they call living at your residence now, “camping”. I guess I have been “camping” at 301 Elm St. for twenty years now.

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