Chem trails? √
Fluoride? √
Sovereign citizen? √
Birther? √
Bigot and racist? √
FOX and the Rightie Pundits will definitely label him a Democrat and a bleeding heart lie-brul’. Also…just another one of those thousands of lone wolves that were acting completely on their own.
Sorry. Sovereigns believe that they and they alone determine what their words mean and what implications shall follow from their statements. They win every argument! Clearly, they are WAY ahead of the rest of us liberal Rothschild/Obama/Big Government/Trilateral Commission conspirators.
Oh gawwd’____I just saw that he’s a believer in the Reptilian Shape Shifters. {{{{The Lizard People!}}}}
Hell…he doesn’t need lawyers, he needs Buckaroo Banzai!
“If you don’t have the law, you argue the facts; if you don’t have the facts, you argue the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, then you argue the Constitution”.
Is this the guy who shot the cops at the pizza place or the guy marching in front of his home with an assault rifle pointed at passing cars? I’m getting all these sovereign citizens mixed up. They should build an asylum for all of them on the government land that Bundy is squatting on.
We really need to put most of these guys on medication for their confirmed extreme paranoid mental status. We also need to shut off their TV’s and radios that feed their illness. But, of course, that would not be Constitutional. They have a Constitutional right to be crazy as loons and to have their craziness fed more crazy ideas by the likes of Hannity and Beck and Limbaugh.
Thank goodness we have him behind bars (at least while awaiting trial) and it’s likely he will not see “freedom” outside of a jail cell anytime in his 60 year old life ever again.
In his action-movie-fantasies, his trial will show the world that he’s so powerful a force for freedom that the evil Obama government has made his destruction its first priority. He may even imagine that his courageous cohorts in the cause will mount a guns-blazing assault on the courthouse worthy of a Chuck Norris flick and rescue him.
It’s tempting to think he’s clinically paranoid and needs medical help, but with rightwingers, it’s hard to tell the difference between extremist views and mental illness.
But where is Libs? He must be at home with his NRA decoder ring, trying like mad to come up with a reason this incident, like every other gun incident, proves gun control doesn’t work.