Discussion: Blitzer Grills Chafee: At What Point Will You Drop Out?

Discussion for article #241773

Now that he’s played his part in Hannity’s little kabuki theater, what’s left?

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When Jeb Bush does.


it was an example of “the establishment” not wanting to hear an anti-war voice and spreading his message.

Ah, we have viable candidates that have the message Mr. Chaffee. Thanks but your resume is not needed or special on our side of the aisle.

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Stick it to the man, Chaffee!


We give up Gov. Chafee, the US does need the metric system. Now go home.


Wolf, at what point will you drop out?


I am aware that Chafee will not be President but why does Blitzer think it’s any of his business/concern when or if Chafee drops out. I’m a little sick of the ‘demands’ of the media. ‘Why didn’t you talk about THIS? When will you ANSWER? When will you DECLARE? When will you drop out?’ For Pete’s sake, the media already focuses on what they want to and call it news…when will they stop trying to manufacture it?


Dunno Wolf. When are you going to retire?


He certainly already acts like he is…

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"“I am in it as far as I can continue to raise these issues,” Chafee said. "

Yeah, but the MSM is obviously only going to let you talk about when you’re going to drop out…and will certainly only refer to you in that context…so why bother?

The question I want answered is when will CNN return to being focused on real journalism instead of trying (unsuccessfully) to be FuxSnooz-lite.


“So at what point will you drop out?” Blitzer asked.

At what point will you shave your beard, Wolfman?

Some things just don’t have an answer.

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Yesterday is not soon enough. The man is a certified dolt.


Chafee was flat and lackluster, but at least he used his time to attempt to answer the questions (even if he failed rather miserably). Why are they not hounding Webb with the same questions? All he did was complain the whole time about not getting the same chances to speak. Better yet, how about not hounding these two candidates with questions about dropping out? If you’re going to give them air time, ask them policy questions, ask them about the issues, like you would with the other three. They won’t be in the race much longer, let them have their time to push the issues they want while they still are.



I do not know if I have seen a worse performance in a debate. if Wolf can make him see he needs to avoid further embarrassing himself and his family more power to him. Next is that stiff crybaby Kane.

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Chafee is an unprepared broke candidate needs a dose of reality if he doesnt already know it on how he is wasting his time and ours going further


That reply to the Glass-Steagall vote question was downright hard to watch. It looked like a grade schooler’s dime-a-dozen excuses for an incomplete home work assignment. You know, where the kid throws the kitchen sink of excuses as quickly as possible to stop the inevitable teacher scold.


I was referring to Wolf Blitzer as the certified dolt, but yes, Chafee wasn’t much better than that during the debate. It was almost as cringe-worthy as Webb. Webb had a very slight edge in cringiness, imho.


“So at what point will you drop out?” Blitzer asked.

If and when I make such a decision, Wolf, my campaign staff will alert all the important news anchors to the impending announcement. You will be able to catch it on any of the news channels when they broadcast the story.