Discussion: Black Lives Matter Holds Protest At Clinton Event In Georgia

It implies Hillary will take money from any corporate lobbyist bag man till she gets found out. And then she’ll take the opposite stance. It’s what she does and does best.

How can any Dem or Dem presidential candidate take bag money from the private prison industry?

If this is a disqualifier for Hillary, in the minds of Democrats, welcome to President Rubio.


What’s next for BLM? The NAACP?


Not a disqualifier but a fair question don’t you think? Rubio BTW is also tied to the private prison industry. And former Gov Bush, while Gov, pushed hard for private prisons.

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I feel you.

The thing with Hillary is not Hillary, but the people she has got to get to vote for her. If enough of those she needs includes “perfect-the-enemy-of-the-good” people, she is toast…because between the Clinton Initiative, Bill’s record, Hillary’s own “warmongering” label, her schtick of being “calculative”, etc, she might have significant slippage.

I have always used FDR’s quote as a metaphor for Hillary: in her Presidency, “Make her do it”

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Movement needs publicity. I don’t fault them for not going to campaign events policed by brown shirts and violent KKK and white supremacists who might kill them.

Sounds like Hillary handled it well, and won the crowd over even more as a result.


They need to make sure that they have their own videos of what goes down on such occasions. Preferably transmitted offsite.

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@Jalus is talking about institutionalized racism in the R party, if I’m not mistaken, and despite outside pressure on those party members, nothing is likely to change. You, on the other hand, are talking about your personal experiences in managing the racism you feel and experience and that is around you. An individual can and does struggle with his or her own racism and hope for an enlightened outcome or push it back so no one else has to suffer for it, which doesn’t make the one coping with it a bad person


And now that she is not taking their money where do you think that money will go?


And white kids should spend some time in a place where they are not the average phenotype.


I strongly support the justice effort of minorities in this country to fight for equality and justice. That said it is pure stupidity to attack the one person that may well be your best political advocate among all the candidates running for office. For college students, they sure haven’t learned much about thinking or activism. They are shooting themselves in the foot and allowing all the media to portray them as a bunch of unruly troublemakers.

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Not a disqualifier but a fair question don’t you think?

If and only it, you make clear where the opposition is on the point at issue as you do here. Otherwise all you succeed in doing is damaging enthusiasm for one side while ignoring a worse problem on the other.


First, catch your rabbit.

And the way to make any of them do it is to elect as many Democrats to Congress as possible.


We’re allowing Clinton Derangement Syndrome to take hold even before she’s been nominated, and who can we thank for it? The usual suspects. Those who blather on 24/7 media who tell us of her many faults and shortcomings and the pantsuits and her age and her granddaughter’s not potty trained yet, whatever shite they spew. Don’t go there. She has a huge base of support which includes the demographics the Rs can only dream about, she has money, she has Bill, and she’s the best debater of anyone in either party. Clinton or Rubio, who wins that debate when the day comes?


Black Lives Matter Holds Protest At Clinton Event In Georgia

That’s nice.

And this ability to adjust will have include a voter outreach program…with palpable goals suited for those at the age of these kids. There are those who should know better about voting but there are also those who really do not. Voting-Legislation-Public Policy-Quality of Life is not a sequence that many are prone to be patient for. The sequences that they are used to are the cybersequences in which the computer screen does miracles that the young of 50 years ago could not dream of.

Ben Jealous and others have been trying to educate people about voting… pointing out that Georgia should have been Blue the last Cycle. But, unfortunately, protests, TV cameras and live interviews can look more exciting than voting for stodgy, old people…

And that is a shame, for an election Cycle as important as this one.


To me, that’s a complete waste of time. The Republican Party is racist, no doubt, but we’ve got plenty of work to do within our own party. That’s where our focus should be. Republican candidates hope to get picketed by #BLM because it only stands to improve their primary poll numbers and gives them a nemesis their base already thoroughly hates.

That said, I don’t think it helps their cause to picket Democrats who are already on their side. #BLM and other groups should be organizing and working to engage those Democrats who are otherwise disengaged on issues of race.


I rest my case.

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Yes. Exactly. To regain a reliable majority on the Supreme Court to reverse Citizens United and the voting rights case we need to keep the presidency. To regain the policy advantage in Congress we need more Dems not beholden to the NRA leadership and Koch brothers. This means taking more state legislatures just before the 2020 census to block GOP gerrymandering that makes a joke of congressional elections.

So it may take 4-6 years or more.


It doesn’t seem to me that the Black Lives Matter folks were attacking HRC or anyone else. It seems to me they were just putting her and the rest of us on notice that they are here and they are serious about change. I think HRC should be flexible and give an ear. She is running for POTUS --of their country, too. Just my opinion.