Thank you! I couldn’t care less about the headline. What concerns me is the minimizing of blatant racism and terrorism. That’s a lot more damaging than a headline.
This is a paper on death’s doorstep - circulation has been minimal for many many years- but death is peering out through the curtains and growling “Go Away”
It is owned by this racist crazy bastard - (the equivalent of the town lunatic) - and will never be sold (who would buy it? - hell you could not give it away) - the only thing that will eventually happen is it will just close - but as long as the racist old bastard has the funds to continue to indulge his fantasies - fantasies of being relevant - pages of this rag will continue to be spewed out.
who writes this stuff??? and who approves it/
And we get another round of KAC saying that her boss is not racists and everyone knows that…blah, blah, blah.
Thanks! That beats my example of amphiboly which I remember from college: fiberglass boat owners.
The paper actually just won an award a couple of years ago for exposing the deep corruption there. There’s a need for local journalism in places like this.
well - a couple of years ago? … more like 20 - it was the late 1990’s - per Wikipedia
“The newspaper won national acclaim in the 1990s for its investigation of county sheriff Roger Davis for political corruption, despite his widespread popularity and death threats to editor Goodloe Sutton and his family.”
… now in the present - thing are quite different -
The newspaper’s circulation dropped from 7,000 to 3,000 by the mid-2010s,
The newspaper is published weekly on Thursdays and generally contains eight pages, including local news, legal notices, and an editorial page.
Reality - it is a limited circulation - local, once a week publication- struggling to survive - owned and kept alive by an apparently addle-brained obstinate relentless racist hate monger - who had his limited time in the sunlight 20+ years ago.
see AP’s spelling of ‘breeches’ in reference to levy failure. I guess editors are not required at such a well-oiled news organization
Levy failure? Is that when they don’t properly collect taxes?
They’re gettin too small for their britches.
which all go towards the king’s levee