And the gop intends on keeping it that way
I keep hearing about these white working class voters who support Trump because they are angry that the American economy has left them behind, with good jobs being exported to other countries. But perhaps their real employment problem is caused by their incessant foul and angry language and showing up to job interviews with âFuck Islamâ shirts and shirts displaying giant harry red white and blue testicles. Just a thought.
Maybe when Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and these people would still support him, that was the one thing he knew what he was talking about.
âThe third engineer promised to show me the propeller shaft!â (Yes, thatâs a real line from the movie).
Or lack of a education
Very similar to the angry guy that aggressively cat calls an attractive woman and then is furious that the âbitchâ thinks sheâs too good for him when she runs the other wayâŚ
30 seconds into that video, I had to stop it. Iâm horrified.
That too. The folks in these crowds appear to be unemployable for numerous reasons that extend far beyond some âforeignerâ taking their jobs.
Hey when they are talking a person using a racial slurâŚthey actually are saying it as a complement.
At least 6 months ago it was not necessary to actually see the signs and T-shirts, or to hear individual voices screaming obscenities. The roar of the crowd at Trump rallies was the sound of a blood-thirsty mob, and it has not moderated (any more than he has).
I am braced for what will happen on the night of Nov. 8 when the networks call the election for Clinton. People are going to get hurt, and I fear that some of them are going to die.
It is definitely time to repeal Godwinâs Law and start calling things by their right names.
noticed that too, huh? If fraternities had pep rallies they would look like that.
Empty (feeling) people. Totally unaware of what they could bring to the table.
I declared Godwinâs Law utterly dead some time back.
Of course Iâm nobody so nobody noticed or really cared.
These sick people will still be out there and angrier than ever if Hillary wins. I canât even look at strangers now without getting the willies.
Well they seem nice⌠real America am I right?
I think itâs safe now to make the Nazi comparison.
They were always there. Just as soon flush them out into the open so we can watch them and make sure they behave.
^^^THIS. More than anything, I am worried about what all of these angry, half-cocked ignoramouses are going to do when their dreams are crushed and their âsaviorâ is booed and mocked off the international stage. This anger, although assuredly misplaced, is also assuredly real. Will it swell into a rising tide of hatred the likes we have not seen since Jim Crow? Or maybe, please the Goddess, I am worrying about nothing. I sure hope so.
In watching this NYT video. I heard a lot of dangerous demagogery from Trump, the kind of language and hate that can make your blood run cold with historical memories of Nazi Germany. But I didnât hear anything from Trump that would classify him as mentally unstable. If we delude ourselves into thinking that we are dealing with someone mentally unstable, rather than a powerful candidate who will destroy the constitution and initiate a reign of terror, then that is exactly what we will get as he wins the election and (like Hitler) eliminates his enemies and brings an end to the American Republic. I have read a lot of gleeful comments here at TPM, making jokes about popcorn supply, but these jokes are not only premature, they are dangerously naive.
No honey they are largely based on the numbers weâre seeing.