Discussion for article #243297
"In part by helping farmer."Nonsense.
Let the farmers take care of themselves regarding carbon, they will do it better than Monsanto could dream of doing.
Monsanto should concentrate on their hugh evil footprint on our plant and environment. Their focus on the farmers is a diversion from their own destruction.
"Farmers “have an opportunity and a part to play in mitigation around climate change,” Grant said. “Rather than being the problem, I think there’s a growing realization they can be a big part of the solution.”
So, farmers are the problem?
Monsanto, the Face of Corporate Evil. And well deserved these past decades.
It’s not the sky I’m worried about Monsanto poisoning since they already have a virtual monopoly on poisoning the ground.
Unlike Monsanto, the farmer, Ray Gaesser, cited in the article has and will continue to care for the land without or in spite of Monsanto’s destruction, gmo etc.
this needs to to analyses carefully so it is not another rouse by Monsanto to exploit the farmers.