Discussion: Bill O'Reilly's Ambush Reporter Democratic Congressman In Elevator (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222683

Does rightwing pounditry seem much more desperate these days?

It is as if they are reeling from the loss of the ACA as a reliable whipping post, and their Benghazi ploy just isn’t creating enough outrage against Hillary, so they’re double and tripling down on every perceived opportunity to point a finger at Democrats.

Of course, this only shores up Fox’s basest base. But while acting as the woeful, innocent race-card victim does nothing to improve FOX’s flagging future political fortunes, it makes sense, because that may be all they have left, and they don’t want to lose their last base.

Does BillO realize, every time he whimpers and whines about the race card, he exposes his own bleeding wounds?


Still Watters run deep? No. Extremely shallow.

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Rupert Murdoch’s masseuse would have done a better job of reporting than Watters.

Oh Hey, Jesse, my constituent, I didn’t recognize you. I should thank you for helping me get re-elected by a margin of more than 15%. 58%-42%. Were you part of the 56% that voted for me in 2010? Or were you part of the 67% that voted for me in 2008? Maybe you were part of the 70% that voted for me in 2006. Regardless, I’ll be sure to do the work that you re-elected me 7 times to do. Thanks. Have a nice day.


When someone starts off a sentence with “I’m a taxpayer, and…” you know right away the person is about to be an asshole.


In another context, “I pay your salary” is a most excellent way to end up in handcuffs.

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Wow … O’Reilly dubbing someone else as the “grievance industry” … now THAT’s rich! According to that logic Sarah Palin speaks nothing but the truth, and in dulcet, measured tone.


Good for Israel.

Karma is karma, and eventually, Jesse will experience it.

When I see a Watters story from Bill O the clown’s show all I can think of is this recent Colbert

So Geraldo wasn’t available?