The “War on Christmas” is being delayed this year in favor of “The War on Democracy” which is far more lucrative to O’Reilly.
Why, just the Koch Bros. money alone is rolling in at an astounding rate.
O’Reilly is the best example of a Media Whore and to paraphrase Mark Twain: “Once bought, he stays bought.”
He also checks his chauffeur’s ID every time he gets in the car.
I am so old I remember when talking about something that does not exist for an hour meant you were crazy.
Billo, I have voted at the same site, a Greek Othodox church, for 40 years. In all that time and over many elections not just Presidential elections to my understanding there have been two instances of people trying to vote who weren’t registered. That church is the precinct site because it has a large roomy hall next to the actual church. It’s really convenient.
Send him to Chinatown in S.F.! I am sure he would be welcome!
The reason we don’t think we have a voter fraud problem is because it’s so ubiquitous that we don’t notice it. It’s like the air. It’s there, and it’s there all the time, but we can’t see it.
Fortunately, Billo has our backs. I will sleep well tonight.
The point is not whether voter fraud is an actual problem.
The point is to associate “voter fraud” with “Democratic voter fraud” and “minority voter fraud”. Passing laws that target Democrats and minorities plays right into that, as well as overtly trying to skew the election.
And no one challenges this. If Trump says 'They’ll be voting for Hillary ten times", no one says “Um, wait … how do we know they’re not voting for you ten times? Shouldn’t we be recruiting poll watchers to make sure Republicans don’t commit fraud?”
This is a standard GOP play. Because of [hidden assumption] [outrageous thing]. Whip up as much noise as you can about [outrageous thing]. The [hidden assumption] comes along for free.
O’Reilly interjected, referring to the 2012 presidential election, in which there were no votes for the Republican nominee in 59 voting divisions of Pennsylvania’s most populous city – ripe fodder for conspiracy theorists.
Guilfoyle and Schneider told him his suspicions were probably misguided: Philadelphia is a heavily Democratic city, and that Romney received no votes wasn’t as shocking as O’Reilly had implied.
And then there’s the fact that (as far as I know) no one has come forward to say “Hey, I voted for Romney in one of these precincts, what happened to my vote?”
Don’t know how it is in other states but in gerrymandered Florida, the way I shut the RWNJs, short version is: election supervisors are elected, therefore generally GOP. If dems can cheat it can only be because the various election offices and officers are enabling it or are incompetent to keep it from happening. Either way, it’s on them.
Why would a black person vote for Trump? Actually, why would any one vote for Trump?
Is O’Reilly going to interview Ann Coulter on her voter fraud case?
What will happen to BillO now that his sugar daddy got the platinum parachute? Will the fallafel well run dry? Will the market value of sex toy companies collapse? Will Fox blowhards need to get (gasp) real jobs? Tune in next year for the answers!!
So Bill, how’s the wife and kids?
“We’re going to watch” the state, which polls showed at the time favored Hillary Clinton by a sizable margin. “Go down to certain areas to watch and study and make sure other people don’t come in and vote five times,” Trump said.
When the New Black Panthers did this during the 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections, Fox News and the right-wing were freaking out. “They are intimidating voters”! My, how times have changed.
Headline should be Main Charlatan on The Charlatan Network Begins Floating This Presidential Election’s Justification for the Network’s Candidate’s Third Consecutive Loss, Replacing Prior “Free Stuff” Excuse.
Chalk up all voter fraud investigations with all birther investigations and throw them in the ‘we didn’t find shit’ file.
Journalist fraud, now there’s an investigation worth it’s weight.