To Billo his wealth makes him “better” than anyone else. It feeds his ego to know there’s all that cash in the bank. Same thought process that’s behind The Donald.
Given the median age of his audience, his pay should start to decline as national ads for prescription and OTC medications are replaced by local ads for funeral homes.
Very much like the way he uses ratings to ‘prove’ he’s right about whatever filth he’s spewing.
He said to leave “irrational people” alone because they “rarely change.”
He should know!
Let’s recap. Cops who kill unarmed black citizens are heroes, and those who speak out against them are terrorists.
Somebody get him some mother f’n’ iced tea, please. With all this uppityness going on, he’s going to have to build up his strength as we head into the War On Christmas.
If it were not for TPM bringing us daily stories on O’Reilly and for that matter much of what else goes on at Fox, I would know nothing about what goes on over there. Where’s Keith when we need him to to trash Bill?
So, O’Reilly is saying, “Leave me alone.”
Oh, you mean that RACIST, Bill O’Reilly, on Fox News?
No, I disagree. Whatever his faults, J.Edgar had real power and exercised it to achieve what he believed to be the good of the country. Bill’O has no power and talks only to get higher ratings.
Loon? No, you’re wrong, Bill. This is what a loon looks like:
While those numbers are depressing in showing how many stupid people there are in this country willing to pay for his BS, TBH if you made $46 million last year and at least a combined $33 million the two years before (with presumably many millions in the years before and not counting book royalties for previous years), yet are only worth $70-85 million, you’re doing something seriously wrong with your money. Perhaps having to spend way too much of it on settling harrassment lawsuits.
Keith stepped on his own toes and got relegated to doing sports over at the “mothership” (ESPN). It’s where he made his initial name for himself. Keith has this habit of losing jobs. It’s his irascible ego driven nature that he goes big headed and then burns bridges behind him. I loved him when he was doing his show in MSNBC. I was a regular viewer. I enjoyed his battles with Billo.
I doubt that even if he were able to control his ego that MSNBC would take him back. So, sports it is…for now.
That’s our Billo.
As best I can tell, most everything Edgar did was for the good of the FBI and the enhancement of his own power. Like Billo. Who has an enormous hold on the mind of a large number of people whose median age is 71.
Considering that billo’s books are all ghost written, have they read a single word by him?
Keith and a few other mainstays at ESPN are being released because of cost cutting by Disney to the tune of $10 million.
Well. perhaps…nah…MSNBC won’t … could they?
Considering that Oreilly has a history of distortion and outright lies concerning the truth and that this is still a current affliction of his, maybe his opinions should be taken with a large dose of salt as well.
Plus, he is the #1 obfuscator and misinformer on the misinformation channel. He is disqualified by virtue of his own success at being dishonest.
I’m sorry, but not being able to get La Cosa Nostra when he was alive and going after people that he though were Communists is not being a great leader of a federal law enforcement agency.