Discussion: Bill Maher Wants To See A 'Granny Ticket' With Hillary And Warren (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222805

I’m going to be blunt, because, well, I dunno how else to be:

The country may be ready for HRC as POTUS, but it’s not ready for two women as POTUS and VP on the same ticket. Like it or not, there’s a whole swath of pretend-progressives and moderate/independents out there who are only “Ready for Hillary” if there’s a nice, safe, white, man running with her “just in case.”

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Hear hear +20 characters

of course, he’d love to see a ‘granny ticket’ yukyukyuk… just imagine the endless segments he could do on menopaus, turkey necks, cankles…
too bad he never has anyone on who could mock a middleaged white man who hangs with young black rappers in the delusion that he’s just like them.

“Granny Ticket”? Can’t wait for the GOP to hurl this as invective.

Nobody used the term “Gramps Ticket” for the twelve men who had grandchildren when they took the oath.

BTW, John Tyler – born in 1790, our 10th President, and the man who annexed Texas – still has two living grandchildren.

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While Jeb Bush is a “corporatist”, he most certainly isn’t “centrist”.


As if two men are any better. I would like to see two Elizabeth Warrens’ run for office.

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I’ll follow Sniffit’s bluntness with some of my own: no way in Hades is your country ready to do that. Not even close.

While you may want it and probably could use a big dose of it, you’re not even close to having an electorate ready to do what’s necessary to get it. They can’t even get their guano together long enough to show up in consecutive elections to give Dem presidents a congress to work with. Nope, long way to go yet grasshopper.

And frankly, right now? You need Elizabeth Warren in the Senate a helluva lot more than you need her in the WH. The Senate is where she can do you the most good. I’ll never understand the left’s obsession with rushing good quality candidates to a national platform before they’re ready. The woman has a year in Congress…a YEAR. Geez, let her season a bit huh?


WRT Maher…meh. He’s becoming a cranky old man so he’s the last one who ought to be joking about a “granny ticket”.

He’s losing his appeal for me, rapidly.


Yeah, I know it’s unlikely, but I’d love to see Warren as POTUS.
I’ll settle for Hillary.
I would hope she’d put Warren into some position of prominence.

The Cougar ticket!

Nope, I definitely want Elizabeth Warren to remain a Senator, instead of the purely ornamental V.P position.


I’d rather see Warren remain in congress where she can be a force for better regulations than the most useless elected position in the federal government; somebody’s VP. I’d rather have Warren fighting for fairness than attending state funerals and waiting for her president to die.


I’d say Bill Maher is more libertarian than liberal. This little attempt at humor looks an awful lot like an attack on Hillary.


There is a reason Maher is not married. I’ve watched his HBO show a lot. He’s softened a bit, but he’s always had a bit of a sexist streak. He probably would deny it, though. My wife has a better ear for it than i do, and the word “pig” has come out of her mouth more than once while watching his show.


Sarah Palin was a grandmother by the time she was Old Man McCain’s VP candidate; Wikipedia doesn’t say if McCain has any grandchildren by his kids with either his first or second wife, but they were certainly old enough to have had kids if they were going to.

I would say Maher is more of an issue liberal than a party Dem. He has a few pet issues that he will get behind any politician that has the same view, but outside of that, he views all the rest as fair game…with republicans just making themselves easier targets.

Of course he is really in love with schmoozing. I personally find Real Time to be a be irritating with all the hollywood heads he has on that really haven’t a clue about any of that week’s topics. But hey, they invite Bill to their parties.

And then there is the whole thing about dating Ann Coulter…

It;s a genuine pleasure to hear some political truth over the wall of noise coming from those ready to canonize their candidate into the Oval Office rather than to elect her.
She is NOT a shoo in
She is not “entitled” to anything, in spite of some of what’s been done to her unjustly.
In India this morning, Voter turnout is roughly 66.38 %
The only way HRC gets herself “canonized” into office is if Democrats get the same sort of turnout within their own “Party”
Two words: NO CHANCE
So the Democrats are going to have to work for it, and hard, if they want it to happen.
Now be honest with yourselves. When is the last time Democrats worked hard in a organized way to accomplish anything truly difficult?
Remember what Will Rodgers said.
And while most Democrats are still engaged in “iconography” what they ought to be doing is organizing.
They aren’t. Not for 2014 or 2016.
And every day that they sit back and worship “Saint Hillary, Our Lady of the Blessed Certain Victory” is one more day that gets used to hand the Senate and the White House back to the Grumpy Old Party and the Bush Family.
If and when that happens (and at this rate, it will) Then you’ll see more Democrats than you ever saw suddenly “find religion.”

I doubt I have the requisite number of chars available for this comment to list the powerful individuals and organizations that would fight a Warren VP nod tooth and nail. I love to see it, but I doubt it’d happen. They want her as far away from the Presidency as possible.

Now be honest with yourselves. When is the last time Democrats worked hard in a organized way to accomplish anything truly difficult?

Last time? 2008. Getting a black man elected president. The organization of the Obama campaign was like nothing politics has seen before or since. Beating McCain was the easy bit, beating the Hillary juggernaught was truly difficult. And let’s not forget that organization delivered Indiana to Obama. Allow me to repeat: Indiana.