Discussion: Bill Clinton: I've Only Sent Two Emails In My Entire Life

He didn’t use email himself, but doesn’t mean he doesn’t read email. I don’t think Lindsey Graham even reads email. LOL.

Of course. His email address is only used for registering for paid porn sites.

FWIW, you are going to see an more and more people stop using email. Not just in the government, but in the private sector.
One of the downsides in applauding groups like anonymous, will be that less people in the private sector using email.

When I was in corp. middle management in the 80’s and 90’s, middle and upper managers (not I!) disdained anything having to do with a keyboard, as being clerical equipment and beneath them, a threat to their image. Using a dictaphone was ok but nothing more. That’s what secretaries were for. When email eventually inflitrated, the general modus operandi was for secretaries to open and print the emails to give to the exec, and then take dictation for a reply. PC’s didn’t reside on middle/upper managers’ desks, and definitely not on those of people at the executive level. This eroded slowly in the 90’s, but I’ll wager that those senior managers of those days (overlapping Clinton’s terms in office) never ever used anything with a keyboard. So neither Graham nor Clinton is all that unusual for high level people of that age group.

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I’m sorry, what did you say? Kiss my what?

He didn’t inhale either. Bill only makes it worse. This is what we have to look forward to. The only reason he may have for not sending emails is because he has servants to do it for him – or he, like his wife, does not want a record kept of his communications that could come back to haunt him.

That’s not true. I am sure I received five or six e-mails from Bill during the last election season, encouraging me to support Democrats by “chipping in” $3. I think they came right before the “We’re Doomed” e-mails. He even knew my name!

Is Bill telling me that someone other than him wrote those e-mails to me? ;v(


It’s entirely in the realm of possibility and plausibility for both to make these statements and for them to be true. But they are both splitting a hair. They themselves may not write emails, but they have staff they do so on their behalf. Graham never wrote emails? Someone who was just fund raising for a Senate campaign and is now fund raising for a Presidential run? I guarantee you somebody is sending out emails on his behalf…that is just far too much money to leave on the table otherwise.


Former President Bill Clinton has only ever sent two emails, both while he was in office, a spokesman told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.

And Republicans subpoenaed both of them, I’m guessing.

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They never said no one sent emails on their behalf, that is a totally different issue. What is being established here is that there are a lot of people in leadership positions who are clueless on sending emails. They can’t do it themselves. That’s the point I was making.

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Sometimes I mistakenly think of people like Bill Clinton to be my age, but then I remember that Clinton is actually my mom’s age and she continued to send me (snail mail) letters until her dying day.

My mom and Bill Clinton’s generation is still referring to technologies like email as “newfangled.”

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You can’t send stains on emails…

I think I misunderestimated him…

I have many clients have moved on from email and only conduct business with me via texts. Texting is much more immediate and personal, and still leaves a trail… I’ve been in the commercial electrical contracting business for over 40 years.

I guess we who have several email accounts are “just folks” which is fine with me.

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If the Bush and Romney administrations weren’t so bereft of the law none of this would matter.
But the Republicans always have to try to make someone look worse than them, in order to ease the pain I guess?
Of course the Repubs are guilty as hell of what they are claiming, just like always but the lack of shame and self awareness propels them forward anyways.

How many emails did the Bush administration just conveniently disappear and how many computers did the Romney people buy in order to keep the next administration from finding out his dirty deals? What about JebBush’s email dump with all personal info still showing and the selective yet unquestioned format of that.

Hillary hasn’t done anything wrong or unusual here, only the happy to pounce and those constantly looking to find cracks are worked up about this.
This is definitely an intended distraction from John Boener’s feckless fails, McConnell’s wobbly weakness and of course the 47 known traitors.

There are real questions that Hillary should be asked and that she should answer and I’ll bet that they would be great answers but the self righteous right only cares about pretend scandals and are afraid of matching wits with her. Notice they don’t attack her intelligence and have given up on Ben Ghazi because they have a new dead horse to flog.

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