Discussion: Bill Clinton: 'I Have To Be Careful What I Say' As Election Gets 'Hotter'

Discussion for article #245718

Is anyone else having trouble opening stories to comment on. I have the problem on 3 different browsers. I even restarted the computer. I was able to click on this story but not on several others


Yep. It gets worse since yesterday.

Yes, it’s probably a server glitch.

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Any video of this?

Yes, Bill, watch your tongue. And your hands. And other body parts.

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“…because, you know, I have to be careful what I say.”

Well, duh. I get that politics ain’t bean bag, but it ain’t rocket science either.


For someone who is so brilliant it makes one wonder doesn’t it. Nothing new for Bill Clinton however.

He does have to be careful because the Clinton Rules are in effect. Whenever a member of the Clinton team does a routine political move, it is immediately declared a nefarious dirty trick by a political press that retires to the fainting couch whenever Hillary or Bill say something that wouldn’t even be noticed by another politician.


Yes, it happens quite frequently on TPM for some reason. There are some stories that won’t let you comment, even though a comment button is there. Then it sometimes fixes itself later.
Not sure why their tech people don’t know it’s happening or make a move to fix it. Commenting on an online story isn’t some radical new technology.

As per Media Matters:



From back last May at the Great Orange Satan:


I dunno, I honestly don’t think what he said about Sanders was so that bad, especially when put into context. But he does need to watch his words during the primary. All bets are of in the general.


Hey! I thought Fox News had a patent on that process: Put it out there, ignore the howling, then, if necessary, commence a limited partial walk back since it’s still going to be out there anyway. Mission Accomplished.

Still can’t get to the header Rubio story….

edit for content:
TPM is near worthless to me without all Y’all in the comment section. That’s where the real 411 comes from.

Good article.

If you mean the bit about Bernie living in a hermetically sealed box – weak tea. Claiming the other guy is out of touch is one of the most cliche and commonly used political jabs and if Marcobot had said this about Jeb! folks would just yawn.


Yep, that’s exactly what I meant. It’s very benign in general, and especially so compared to the accusations that his wife is bought and paid for by the financial sector because she gave a speech about female empowerment.


Bill’s strength is to explain issues in a way people can connect with, not act as a typical attack dog. It is unfair for him, but the Clinton Rules dictates that once he is in a pit-bull mode even slightly, what he actually says doesn’t matter anymore. So, yeah. He cannot be careful enough.


I couldn’t comment for a while. I thought someone had given me a time out.


LOL. That was cute,