I think she’d do very well too. I think that’s why the far left is already trying to tarnish her. They know Sanders would lose to her. In fact, I could foresee her clearing the field pretty early on.
I ilke that kind of talk. She’s new and she’s different and she’s awesome.
Everyone pisses and moans how old the Democratic party and they usually cite Pelosi, Feinstein, et al. They’re not running for prez, never will, but Joe’s time in the political spotlight needs to end. Whatever it is we think Bernie Bros. will do is unimportant. The man himself makes a lot of noise but actually has done very little but rabble rouse. So much new blood out there preceded only by a reputation for working hard and not just schmoozing at speeches.
@tena I can’t imagine a woman running again, not the one of color we all seem to be in thrall to lately. If I see Bern point that right index finger one more time, I’ll spew.
@pluckyinky Try to imagine how ugly it would get very quickly when Harris’s mixed race comes into the picture. Besides the CA Democratic establishment isn’t ready to do what it takes to support her even if she’s raising tons of money. Sexism? Lack of experience? A mixture of things. But I’d rather see her stay in the Senate as a powerhouse. Really, I’d like to be proved to be wrong on everything I think.
Boy you got that just right. I’d love to bite that damn thing off. I honestly don’t know if a woman is going to be up for it either, after everything that has happened in two campaigns. The sexism in American runs deep.
Oh, yeah. It´s a tsunami. Especially when she co-sponsors, along with Warren, Sanders medicare-for-all bill. Bernie Bros just hate it when someone agrees with them.
You seem to imagine that Sanders support was based on something other than his policies. I´m sure that some people did support him because of his apparent sincerity, but it was policy - single payer healthcare, free college tuition, progressive taxation - that informed most of the attraction. And smart pols, like Harris, don´t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Harris has the colors the right hates, her mother, Dr. Shyamala Harris, emigrated from India. Her father, Donald Harris, emigrated from Jamaica. So much potential untapped hate just waiting for the right RWN talker.
How many of those outraged voted for Jill Stein or sat out the election?
I understand that but we can’t let their hatred shape our politics. I never count on GOP votes anyway. I expect them to hate whoever we nominate and they will.
Some people only see a cup half full.
Others only see a cup half empty.
The GOP base only sees a “D” cup.
I think Joe being Joe as an elder statesman of the party, and the guy out there saying ‘hey, look, lemme explain what we stand for in words everyone gets…’ is the right role for him. 2020? Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, either one of them gets my vote in a heartbeat. We need to always be looking to the next generation, the next round of leaders.
Even if Jimmy Carter’s still a kickass force for good in this country at 92. Now there’s a man who almost makes me believe in god.
Oh, I think we’re kinda past that after Obama. I don’t mean we’re some kind of post-racial America. I just don’t think it would be a problem for the Obama coalition, which is what she’d need to get elected. And no one can argue lack of experience anymore. But the one thing I continue to believe will be a problem just as it was a big problem for Clinton is her gender.
My family Berniebot keeps reminding me that Harris gave some speech to some group of rich people thereby eliminating her forever as a viable Democratic candidate.
Exactly, look at how much they despised the Clintons, Pelosi, Reid, etc. They hate Democrats, and that’s not going to change no matter the race of the person nominated. We can’t let them pick our candidates.
Tena, I will be driving north through Santa Fe in a few days. I will give you a wave as I pass the Taos turnoff. Watch for it! (ha!)
Yep, they’ve been out in full force trying to demonize her. It’s disgusting.
I love my Berniebot dearly but I am really tired of hearing about how much we need purity in politics.
On edit: I think he forgets that I used to be a College Republican officer when Karl Rove was giving the orders. I saw the error of my ways a long time ago, but I think I understand how politics work better than most Berniebots do.
Proof of that is that there are Republicans of color and mixed ethnic heritage - Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson et al = as long as they are their POC they’re cool with it.
hahahahaha Ok! Like butterfly wings - I’m sure the waves will hit me and I’ll wave back. hahahaha
Good thing you aren’t coming this way - they have been working on the highway through the canyon to Taos since July and traffic is down to one lane.
Yeah, and I think if they go after Harris for either of her parent’s heritage, it’s going to be a big problem for a lot of people. But the only other thing I think could be a problem is that her husband is white.
Thank you for telling me. I had thought of going through Taos as I have not even been through there in more than 30 years.
When I get near my childhood home, I just want to get there. Side trips are not nearly so attractive as they sound before the journey starts.