Discussion: Biden Stays On His 'Republicans Are Redeemable' Thread — And People Are Pissed

When he first said this shit about how trustworthy and honest the GOP was a few weeks ago I thought that for a guy who stated that he was against legal marijuana, Joe Biden was smoking some really killer weed.

Now I have changed my opinion entirely: Joe Biden is dropping Purple Microdot by the fistful.


I like Joe but I believe him to be wrong. The downright mean behavior of the GOP Cocksuckers did not just appear when Whiny got into the White House and will not disappear with his exit. This has been going on ever since Bill Clinton (I could argue Dear Dead Ron as well) sat in the Big Chair and can only end with their being voted out of office or too frightened to indulge their nasty base natures.


One doesn’t have to tweet anti-Trump invective, but one should acknowledge that Trump is exceptional in his corruption, and also that most Republicans have sold their souls for power.

He’s definitely doing the former but reserving some sympathy for the latter. I’m very much of two minds on this: on the one hand, he seems to be incapable of understanding that the GOP is now a cult. A full on, Jim Jones style cult. There’s nothing about politics with them anymore. Just a slavish cult whose only true belief is the confederacy. (Even in the northern States). I’m not happy about this at all.

Having said that, it “may” be a workable strategy as there are many Americans who don’t see either themselves or their family members as irredeemable. There’s still some idiot contingent in this country that wants both sides to get along and work things out. His message will appeal to them and get them to the polls.


Biden is channeling his memories of what the Senate was like when he joined it in 1973.

He is correct that Republican individuals are redeemable, but I am not sure he understands that the only way they are redeemable is if the quit the party.


Joe Biden is a nice guy, but nice guys always come in last. Biden during his career as a Senator was a real disappointment with his constant caving in to Republican demands, and is one of the reasons Republicans were able to work with Biden because they knew they could get their way with him. At 77 years old when taking office if he wins is just to damn old to be President. He already looks frial, what will he look like under the pressures of the Presidency. Just look at Trump and his dementia playing out in full view in front of the world. There needs to be an age limit for anyone being elected to the office of the Presidency, and 77 is way too old. We need a younger Democrat for President


I think this is right. But is this a viable message to win the the nomination? If we have to hear it, save it for the general.


Obama seemed to believe this too. We saw how that worked out.


Who’s still backing this clown?

Can we see a show of hands?


Absolutely right

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Too bad Joe didn’t seem to think Anita Hill had any redeeming qualities.


Joe reminds me of Tweety Matthews on MSNBC when he used to tell those delusional tales about Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill skipping hand in hand through a field of bipartisan daisies.


In a time of turbulence and vicious partisanship, Biden is hoping that branding himself as the aisle-crossing candidate will appeal to those weary from the constant battling.

The thing is that there are not any of those types in the republican side, so he is basically fishing in the democratic pond.


Well, in order for him to get to the general, he’s going to have to get through the primary. And his campaign is gambling that route has to include more avenues than just the Dem base.

As @ANNFFL said, all Dem candidates are saying some version of this. However, those candidates are saying they can bring Americans together for the country; Biden is saying that he can bring Rethugs in DC together with Dems in DC for the country. That’s where I’d say the difference was and why it seems to irritate Dems so much. There are some people in this country (Dems & Rethugs alike) who don’t just want Dems to run the country, want a functioning two Party system, who may consider themselves conservative for whom this “message of redemption” will resonate. Said people, generally speaking, aren’t living in anything close to current reality.


Here’s the problem. All those republicans who supported Trump will not disappear, melt, or fall on their swords even if Trump is voted out. The mother ship will not pick them up and take them away. Russia won’t take them in. I actually think that it is crucial that whoever wins on the Democrat side hold out to the Republican side the possibility of coming in from the cold. Doesn’t mean that the door can’t be slammed shut if necessary. Searching for any remnants of redeemable Republicans is one of the only ways left to dial down the extreme polarisation of American politics at this point.


Hey Joe …

Come with me
And you’ll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look
And you’ll see
Into your imagination

Had to use this because I couldn’t find a song about delirium.


How about they’re required to re-declare their oath of office AND swear off any loyalty to bleeping Grover??


Biden’s got a point. After the war, many rank-and-file Nazis reintegrated back into society…


Two things…

  1. I hope like hell he doesn’t actually believe this, but I do think it’s a thing a not small number of people want to hear. I don’t know how often over the last few years my FB TL has been lit up with people claiming “this isn’t who we are.” Those folks absolutely want someone to tell them this. They want to hear that America is better than all of this, that the country can be put back together again, that we can be fixed.

  2. I also don’t mind that someone in the race is projecting this sentiment because whomever wins will absolutely need to project this around the world to our allies and enemies. We need the world to believe the PP was just a one off and that we won’t be doing that stupid shit again. Otherwise, no one has any reason to ever trust us again.


Sympathize with your opinion, but, imho -

the comparison to NChamberlain is way over the top

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If he wins he better not start pardoning people. That’s all I’ve got to say.