Discussion: Biden Rallies Dems On Capitol Hill And Rails Against GOP Obstruction

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Gosh I like Joe
I wish he had taken a run .
I suspect he would have been our candidate and he would be mopping the floor with dimbulb Donnie


I get why he didn’t run. Can’t imagine the grief on losing yet another child.

But yes, I wish we had had this choice.


I love me some Joe!!!


This is standard political attack, but nothing will be done until after the election. Let’s face it, Biden is waiting to collect a huge VP pension, $180,000 per year. Even if Trump is elected, he won’t be affected at all.

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There is no “VP pension.” He gets the same pension as members of Congress, which he would have gotten if he had never left the Senate. His pension will be somewhat higher because his “high three” salary has been higher than that of a Senator, but the difference is not huge.


None of this will get done, but it’s good to lay down markers for the election.

People who care about these issues know which way to vote.

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Good luck Joe, you’ll need it!

Love me some Joe. I love it when he is unleashed… hopefully soon on the campaign trail. He deserves to live his life and process his losses… and I have no doubt he will stay involved in our political process and important issues facing our country.

He would be amazing on the supreme court.


180,000 a year forever.

If he wants to stay in D.C., that’ll qualify him for subsidized housing.

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Mr. Biden, please keep forcing truth down the throats of the idiots.

You’ve been a magnificent Vice President.

I will miss you always.



More like this, please. The GOP “Mighty Wurlitzer” has been spitting out lies and exaggerations for years. Let’s throw more sunshine on the pustulant sore which is the modern GOP.


Well whaddaya know… the Dems are actually acting like an organized political party. Good to see.

It’s a nice start, but let’s see if they keep it up through election day. A cohesive, succinct message delivered on a daily basis with direct, forceful language by multiple Dems would be a new thing to see.

What do you mean by this?

Love you Joe!

I guess what I mean is, “Stop being obtuse.”

So you don’t know what you mean?

Don’t make remarks you are unwilling or unable to explain.

Keep digging, genius.