Discussion: Biden Meets With Elizabeth Warren as He Ponders Prez Bid

I tend to agree. But the problem with outlets then printing articles like this is that it also f*cks with the heads of a lot of very intense “Democrats” out there.

You know who I’m talking about. The ones who are totally absolutely definitely Democrats and liberals and progressive and what-not… but will stay home if anyone other than their candidate is the Democratic nominee. Somehow to these supposed true believers, a Jeb Bush / Ted Cruz / Scott Walker / Donald Trump / Ben Carson Presidency (and by extension a few more Scalias in the Supreme Court, a few more wars, and a few more tax cuts to the rich) is BETTER than voting for anyone other than their specially anointed one… because total absolute hypocritical bullshit.


WOW a headline that is not about Donald Trump, how refreshing.


Yer right.

Electing a Democrat is what is a stake; not your favorite personality!


Hey friend, I plan on voting for Bernie in the Primary, as well. I fail to see the need to denigrate Hillary supporters, however. We’re all in the democratic tent, which means we don’t have “purity” tests. That’s for the GOP, and see how well THAT worked out for the country? Let’s just not go there. Thanks.


When did I say Warren is going to endorse Biden? I said Biden is being pushed by the Democratic establishment to get into the race. Which means they must believe Hillary is damaged beyond repair.

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The sitting Vice President doesn’t run for President unless they want to be President. Biden is not going to run as some feint to help relieve the pressure from Hillary. He would run if he believes he can win the nomination and get elected.


This “Wall Street” is doing this or that is really getting funny. It is bordering on Illuminati of the left.


I like them all, Joe is pretty fricking cool, Elizabeth is badass, Bernie is potential awesomeness and Hillary has everything it takes and is the perfect first woman POTUS that brings Bill with her.

The experience of our candidates and the line of succession after the highly progressive Obama administration is a body slam to the Republican Party. They have Trump and a Bush. All the electoral problems are Republican, the Democrats could win five ways from November.


I’m not saying he’ll run and did not reference that. I said that the meeting and the leak were aimed at starting false hares. And I’m right.

Joe has not been a great candidate in the past, but these are different times. He is inheritently decent, something almost non-existent in DC. He has not used his career to amass great wealth for himself selling out his base. Sure he has a long history and some positions that I didn’t favor, but he sure knows foreign policy which is essential right now and his honest foot in mouth comments are refreshing because they aren’t mean spirited dirty politics, they are generally just unvarnished political truths spoken without a filter. If he can gain enough backers which probably means some defections from Hillary, I would be behind him 100%.

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I don’t fear her – I fear she would lose. That is why we need a viable alternative. Sanders is great, but would never win in a general election.


If he runs its because he, Obama and others are really worried about scandals tanking Hillary’s campaign. I have to wonder what they know about about the DOJ investigation and if Obama is encouraging Biden.

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More strong candidates in the primary is a good thing! If in the end Hillary prevails against strong contenders for the nomination, it helps secures her support and does not diminish her at all. THe only people who resent others challenging her are people who are AFRAID. She should welcome the opportunity to win fair and square without looking like the nomination was a coronation manipulated behind the scenes.

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What gaffs?

I’m sure you mean Clinton supporters. But, I think they will come around and support Sanders or Biden – especially if Biden were to select Warren as his running mate. Personal identity should not be the sole reason for supporting a candidate, so most Clinton supporters will come around.


Just like the “left” is this or that.

Way to discount the opinions of fellow democrats – smear them as GOP ratfuckers. I want a democrat in the white house as much as you – and if in the end Hillary is the nominees, I will vote for her. However, she is not hurt buy having strong challengers. It would legitimize her nomination should she prevail. Also, I would argue that the modern VP is not an powerless position. Biden was a close advisor and strong asset to Obama. If Warren were tapped, she would not be out of the loop – she would never accept that. Its possible she didn’t run because she doesn’t feel ready to take on role of president – but if she was VP she could learn on the job by being part of the inner circle.

These Democrats you describe scare me intensely and are right down there with Bagger voters in terms of the damage to the Republic that each sort does.

They are also directly (by their absence in the 2010 Congressional elections) responsible for the Boehner-led House which has until 2022 (the time when the effects of the 2010 Gerrymander can be dealt with) to run. As it is, the amount of substantive legislation coming out of Congress is severely limited.

They are also unrepentant, because their very cross-grained nature make it unlikely any of them would listen to people like us.

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Biden would not run for a second term, and guess who would be line if Warren were VP?