Discussion: Biden: I'd 'Beat The Hell' Out Of Trump In High School For Disrespecting Women

He’s just baiting Trump, toying with his emotions and ensuring his anger is revved up deep into the red zone. Angry people make bad decisions and self-defeating ones at that. As Hillary said, a man who can be baited with a tweet…

Considering he’s already hellbent angry about Mueller and his damned questions, the leaks about his congratulatory phone-call to Putin, and the three lawsuits with women he’s harassed or slept with, this certainly can’t help his fragile emotional state.

Also, this is the type of language Trump’s base responds to. It’s about dominance. Trump can’t let this go without looking bad in front of his tribe. And I think Biden’s more than aware of this.


This is about as effective as Sanders’ brilliant “Delete your account” tweet.
Those of us who don’t like Trump need to develop some ability to imagine how non-fanboys will see the words of our party leaders.
I think Biden’s remarks are a lead balloon, and probably will be ignored.

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Joe Biden understands intimidation on a level most soft-handed liberals do not. You kick a bully’s ass or die trying because you need to send a message not just a beat down. Biden is the kind of guy I would share a fighting hole with to the very end. Biden / Obama 2020


Joe, you wouldn’t have to use that much energy. Guys like him are all mouth and have others due his macho work.
All you would need is a feather and he would:


A member of Congress is one person among many, the President is one person making decisions. How many of these old men, were “carried” by the other men of Congress. Strom Thurmond is a good example, he could be a member of Congress at a advanced age, but would you want him to be President?

You get it!


I love Jerry Brown! He does such a no-drama, competent job of running the state. Perfect for an executive job. But maybe not perfect for campaigning. Wish people outside of CA took him more seriously.


To paraphrase the late Christopher Hitchens, “If you kicked the piss and wind out of Trumpf you could bury the rest of him in a matchbox”.
A 90-year old codger in a wheelchair could kick the orange gasbag’s ass.


Jeeze, and some people think that this putz (and perennial failure as Presidential candidate) is, or even should be, the front runner for the 2020 Democratic nomination. They could just skip the debates and go straight to white septuagenarian mud wrestling. It’d certainly save me an hour or two of my life to do something else. (That is not to suggest that Biden would not be monumentally preferable to Der Drumpfenfuhrer. Of course he would. But that is an awfully, awfully low bar.)

Who specifically do you propose for the ‘new leadership?’


What she ^ said.


As a New Yorker I’ve been a Jerry Brown fan since 1976 when I was in high school and he was dating Ronstadt.
Mo Udall also appealed to me.
Brown’s zen like demeanor and age of limits appealed to me. I voted for him in the 80 and 92 primaries and would gladly again.


A) Strom Thurmond is dead.
B) You have not answered my question.
C) You must be over 35 to even become President. Are you now suggesting there should also be a Maximum age to be elected President? If so, why?


Does that disqualify him?

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Great post. It’s appreciated. And I think you are right.

Let’s see what Mr. I-would-have-run-in-to-face-the-shooter-unarmed comes back with.


hey that young Mittster is a pistol!

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! It’s an all 'round throw down of crepuscular caucasians getting down and dirty in the muuuud.

that’s an internet rabbit-hole many would dive down.

I wonder what you would do to Clarence Thomas?.. OH… WAIT, we already know… give him a lifetime appointment to the supreme court.

I’d usually prefer politicians not mouth off like this and get all macho but Trump is such an ogreish excuse of a human being you just can’t be a wallflower when criticizing him.
Look at how Biden’s kids turned out vs. Trump’s. None of them played footsie with a foreign adversary, tweeted and liked offensive links or grifted off of others.

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