Discussion: Biden Frets About His Weaknesses In A Progressive Field As He Mulls Run

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I think the only thing keeping Joe up at night is the fact that the Democratic Party is a female dominant party. The Dems won 60% of the female vote in 2018. Many of the Indies who will vote in our primaries are likely to be majority women, which will increase that gender gap. He might be thinking that those voters may align behind a strong female candidate given Joe’s long voting record, which at times has been very progressive on the issue of women’s rights (VAWA is his thing) and at other times has been a clunker (Anita Hill).

I think the affection for Joe in the party is real. The voters are wary of Trump and the electoral college and want a clear winner. Joe checks a lot of those boxes.


A man truly behind his time.



Joe, I love ya, but your time has really passed. For the sake of your legacy, please don’t run.


I’ll second the please don’t run part


Well, he’s not a septuagenerian with warmed over 1960’s socialist platitudes— there’s one plus.


Joe, please endorse Sherrod Brown and campaign for him.


A 76 year old white guy who’s known mostly for his gaffes and for groping women? Don’t get me wrong, I like Joe Biden but he really shouldn’t be considered for the Democratic nomination. If we can’t do better than that, we’ve already lost.


Biden’s thinking about it has gone on for quite some time now. I suspect he could be looking for excuses not to run. He has to know he won’t rise to the top.


Joe, the Democratic Party has moved on.

Take the hint and become what we NEED you to become: A Wise Democratic Elder who uses his knowledge and experience to boost the younger candidates in the public forum.

It will solidify your legacy as one of the best of the Democrats and help immensely in 2020 and beyond.


Biden Frets About His Weaknesses In A Progressive Field As He Mulls Run

As he should. He’ll get run over in a hurry. And that would be a good thing as there’s nothing progressive about Biden. Just the opposite in fact.

But he was a perfect Vice President. Any higher up than that and the Peter Principle takes over.


It’s absurd that we are even considering candidates that will be in their late 80s at the end of a second term. No one is at their best at that age when approaching two long terms in office. No Biden, No Bernie, and of course, no Trump.

It’s not age discrimination. The elderly are by far the most overrepresented age group in government. I am happy to have someone like Pelosi in leadership. But the presidency is different. The strains of office are unmatched and there can be no quick replacement like with house leadership in case of illness or decline.

Biden has other issues too, but mostly I like him. His time as simply passed.


I don’t believe his past will matter much except for perhaps Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas. His two terms as VP tell us what kind of POTUS he would be and it’s something Americans broadly approve of. He’s basically going to get the benefit of the doubt and perspective for a long career that HRC did not get.

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President and Michelle Obama set the mold for a young progressive and knowledgeable candidate,with both having charisma and the backing of a wide range of voters,Joe Biden is good a person as he seems to be needs to back someone and lend his following to a younger candidate,Some may disagree but I think Bernie Sanders need to do the same.Tired of taking three steps forward and four steps back.


If he really cared about the country and not his own ego and “legacy,” he’d endorse someone else - Sherrod Brown would be my first choice. But of course, he doesn’t.


Nice Bern…


My unsolicited advice to Joe is to not debate with yourself in front of a mic. That’s the thing that always gets him into trouble. The thing is, Trump has made Joe’s flaws seem much more normal and acceptable. In many ways, this is a perfect climate for Joe.


I don’t know much about Sherrod Brown but suspect he could be Trump’s Colombo. Maybe it’s the unmade bed look. Is he the answer to the Midwest?

I want to respond but I am too upset by your philosophy.

What’s the issue? FTR, I support Harris. I’m just stating observations of what I see in the electorate.

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