Discussion: Biden Expresses Regret About Role In Hill Hearings, Condemns 'White Man's Culture'

Only 200 year old resentments. hahahahaha

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I don’t think the strategy would be to paint Biden as too far left. But that could split off a lot of young voters by claiming “The DNC (ominous music) has the fix in for another Wall Street Stooge like Hilary”

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Split them off to where/whom?

Unfortunately, 28 year old video exists of that hearing, and it will be run 24/7 in ads and social media by Republicans if Biden wins the primary. You don’t get to run away from your history in the modern era.

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Sitting out the vote because you don’t want to support “The Man” and “The System” is always an option. You’d have to hate that worse than Trump, but so many people don’t bother to vote in this country that I don’t think that possibility can be ignored.


Greens. Stay home. Write in Bernie. Lots of options for the Very Pure.


With “pussy-grabber” and Stormy bopper Trump at the top of the GOP ticket? Bring it.

The same possibilty exists that attacks on Biden,such as we’re seeing now,in the nominating campaign will split off older voters.

Apparently,you do in the Trump era.

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The idea is to win elections by offering someone better than the other side, not just as bad.

Not that Biden is anywhere near as bad as Trump. But he has baggage, including the overly handsy thing with women. It’s just Joe being Joe, but another old white guy who is overly friendly with female strangers, plus the Anita Hill thing, is not the image the Dems need as the standard bearer right now.


It’s exactly the wrong image. It is so out of the past.


I intend to do my part to not let the GOP define his image.

Biden’s big appeal as a candidate is that he does have a strong appeal to union Democrats who are not likely to be as enthusiastic about our other candidates. So he might indeed have a stronger shot in the general.

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And that means a lot in PA,Michigan and Ohio. I get it that not all on our side want him to run. The difference is,I didn’t attack any of the other candidates before they announced. Really not attacking any of the others now either.


He is done.

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As Chairman of the committee, he didn’t abandon collegiality when he should have. His witness was being defiled and he permitted it. He should have excoriated them The Republicans were the same then as now. They have no shame. They will do anything to get their way. It started with McCarthy.


I’m conflicted. One of our prospective candidates is a nut, I don’t care for the two current front runners, some of those I support have taken positions I admire but consider politically unwise and there are a lot that I know very little about. The Republicans won after a free for all primary. Maybe we can too.


Biden has not changed. He privileged his friendship and admiration for the cancer work of conservative Republican Joe Upton over trying to support a good Democratic opponent when control of the House was hanging in the balance.

Any way the wind blows is fine with Uncle Joe. Segregationist in the 70’s, manspaining committee chair in the 80’s, enemy to all welfare queens in the 90’s, friend of the bankers in the aughts, aid and comfort to his Republican friends in the teens. Not with my vote you won’t.

Folks on our side of the aisle attacking prospective candidates before they even announce is not a good omen. It didn’t just start with Joe Biden either.