Discussion: Biden Expresses Regret About Role In Hill Hearings, Condemns 'White Man's Culture'

Great, now Fox News will have discussions all day long about how anti-caucasian, err, anti-American Biden is.

Seems almost 30 years is a bit long to wait to make an apology. White man’s culture, violence against women, yada yada. Seems you’re a wee bit behind the times with your messaging. Still testing the waters?


I’m of the opinion it doesn’t matter what Faux Views broadcasts anymore; their viewership is locked and loaded for 2020 elections.


Make up your mind, Joe, and then please talk non-stop about health care, jobs, infrastructure and climate change.


Yes, and I’m sure the DNC is putting the finishing touches on whatever plans they’ve devised to tank in the general.


“Love you Joe but you were in a position to do better — and you didn’t,”

He acknowledged that.


I predict that he will announce his plan,one way or another, next week 4/2-4/5.

Reparations - the cause du-(in)-jur-(ious).

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Yeah, I agree on that. The “mea culpa” thing is just not hitting the right points right now. I think Jeet Heer was quite right that Biden is leading with his weaknesses and those will be even more pronounced as time goes on. We have more than enough strong, fresh leaders on the campaign trail without the baggage that is Biden.

ETA: I know some voters are interested in him via a vis the stability that he lends to the discussion. That’s an issue of mine as well however, once again, we have enough candidates that either have experience or can get around that in a better way.


Great VP for Obama, but somehow on his own he just doesn’t know what to do. His time has come and gone and yes there are lots more candidates with energy and ideas.


Biden has apologized about how Anita Hill was treated during Thomas’ confirmation hearing in 1991 before this. Reports of him talking about it go back a few years.
With the above said what was done to Anita Hill is on tape, it can be viewed for one’s self. That she was treated badly is there for all to see. It is a recorded moment in time that we all can learn from.

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And voting rights too. GOPs have provided ample ammunition to turn against them.

Hello, my name is Joe Biden, and I will bend over backwards and stoop to any depth and cover the Sun with my hand to be the first President from Delaware before I die. Whatever it takes.


Oh, fuck off Joe.

The article doesn’t say whether he made those remarks at a speaking engagement somewhere and where. I assume he did.

Biden is likable, that’s it. I know a lot of people who are very likable but I would not want them running our country.

The process will work to get Joe on the sidelines, no matter what the would-be “movers and shakers” are trying to push.

The Planet is in peril. We have an insane madman as POTUS. Our foreign and domestic policies are reflective of that.

Likable people are the ones you have to watch out for. I’ll take a curmudgeon every time. Especially one bothered by children. I mean really, what the hell are kids for, anyway?

Joe Biden has been singing the praises of Jessie Helms (R-Segregationist) his entire career.

Remember when he called Obama an an “articulate and clean African-American?”

He doesn’t get it. Never will.