So begins Joltin’ Joe Biden’s last cavalry charge:
To the nomination in '20 or bust.
Best of luck to you, good sir!
It was a beautiful ceremony, and all the speakers were touching.
Funny that everyone instantly knows that a reference to lacking “the basic values of decency, respect, knowing this project is bigger than yourself” refers to the current president.
No, wait. Not funny, sad.
What did the hand say to Fat Nixon’s fat, orange face? SMACK.
Shitgibbon twitler is churning out tweets during the ceremony. What a flaming POS.
Dotard’s funeral will be held in the chapel at his prison…
The country will concurrently erupt in celebration…
It’s a special class of asshole that even dead people don’t want to be around them.
You come to a different conclusion, but where he’d part company with you, is if you lacked the basic values of decency, respect, knowing this project is bigger than yourself.”
Not only a shot at Trump, but also McConnell, Ryan, and the other Republicans who haven’t parted company from this President, and, in fact, have enabled him.
Somehow I knew he was hate-watching without even looking. He is truly pathetic.
Trolled by a corpse.
Life sucks if you’re Donald.
Of for fu%ks sake Biden was McCain decent and respectful when he referred to Senator Obama as “that one” when the Illinois senator waxed him in the debates? Was he decent and respectful when he left the stage humped over and seemingly gagging after that debate? I understand the need for embellishing a mans history as the eulogy goes on but for the sake of dog don’t just make shit up. Why can’t anyone be honest when describing who McCain really was?
The man from Delaware who represents the financial industry in Hartford who basically wrote the legislation forbidding credit card debt bankruptcy? Not much different than forbidding student loan bankruptcy or medical expenses bankruptcy. It will be a huge black mark on nice guy Joe’s past that will be used against him were he to ever face Bernie’s Bros in a primary let alone general election campaign. We need a transfusion of new blood and energy in the Democratic party.
That should be today’s internet moment of wisdom.
“At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.”
— A red-faced Sid McCrashcup’s loving response to his wife when she noted his hair was thinning, during his 1992 Senate bid
The unbridled white-washing of McCain’s reputation, while not unexpected, is nevertheless rather breathtaking. I expect by the end of the week we’ll learn that, like St. Ronnie, when he wasn’t walking on water he shit gold bricks that smelled of myrrh.
As people fawn over his melodramatic, late-night thumbs down “saving” the ACA, they ignore the fact that he quickly turned around and voted to scrap the individual mandate as part of the Republican tax bill, thus hobbling the ACA and leaving millions uninsured while simultaneously adding a trillion-plus dollars to the deficit.
But hey, Cindy, along with other millionaires and billionaires, got a massive tax break so they could continue doing their “good works.”
Scatter the rose petals. Release the pigeons. Bring on the dancing bear.
In other news, I wonder how inveterate FOX fan Hair Furor is enjoying today’s wall-to-wall coverage?
It would be great if they hung him at half mast for his passing.
And he cancelled pay raises for Federal Employees today too.
He needs to be the center of attention. I expect this to continue through out the memorials until McCain is interred. Trump has no class, no sense of respect for anyone, and no common decency.
And who can forget his oh so respectful little joke about a gorilla (racist code for “not a white person”) raping and beating a white woman? Yeah, my fellow Liberals and Democrats have really shitty and twisted taste when it comes to who gets to be a hero anymore…
Yup. Something has him in a really bad mood lately.
He’s having one of the security K-9s muzzled and brought in so he can kick it.