Discussion: BIBI WATCH: Israeli TV Banned From Broadcasting Netanyahu Speech Live

Actually, maybe not. His numbers have been falling and the center-left ticket’s been leading. But it’s close, and then there’s the matter of forming a government; the centrist winner last time couldn’t manage it, which is what gave loser Bibi his chance. But if current trends hold, and if the fractious center-to-left parties can overcome their fractiousness, he could finally be done for. Holding my breath.


This was known long ago. I don’t think the Judge found anything that was blatant, but all of the speech was intended to influence the election. That is why he made it now and didn’t wait until after the election. It proves to the Israeli electorate that despite his personally issues with Obama, Boehner has his back.

The only reason the GOP are pro Israeli is to get the Jewish vote. It’s so obvious.

History shows that the GOP doesn’t get the Israeli vote. The GOP only uses Israel to their own benefit.

Oh, they won’t walk away clean - they’ll have teh crazee all over them.

Boehner doesn’t have a back to back up anyone. Bibi is going to be disappointed.

“after they remove any content that could be perceived as campaigning”

Someone wanna fuckin’ tell me what part of this COULDN’T be perceived as campaigning?

One can hope.

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I regularly hear Israelis refer to the USA as their staunchest ally, my question is who else is their ally? Who would support Israel if the USA decided not too? Next time the UN wants to sanction Israel we should sit on our hands and watch what happens.

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Also Bibi called for a general election after exploding at other members of the coalition because they refused to follow him. They might not be that interested in another coalition in the future.

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This whole thing was a farce of a sham. It is a set up and a veiled backhand at our President and our individuality. If Netanyahu survives his re-election this insult will not magically disappear. He has done irreparable damage to himself and his reputation. Who, other than the gushy conservatives, will ever look at this guy the same way again?
If he loses, he will fade into infamy and be quickly forgotten, like Dummy Bush.
Israel has a chance to rid itself of a vermin that plagues them as well as their American partner, neo-conservatism.

The Israeli center-left needs to GOTV.

Probably most of the nonultraorthodox are aware of what our fundie christianists are up to, but it would be more important, because they run the country, if the orthodox also were aware of what the fundies on this side of the ocean are working and hoping for.

Then there is the constant state of war that Bibi has been pushing since forever. The repubs and their MIC backers are big on that.

I guess they showed nothing then, since the whole gig was a campaign stop for Bibi. The GOP wrongly thought it was also a campaign stop for them, but the American People recognized it for what it really was. The only political winners in all of this noise was the party and the President that the GOP can’t stand.