When did Hank Azaria get elected Governor of Kentucky?
Bevin’s a twit. The people of Kentucky are all hurt every time he opens his mouth.
“Clearly, a tremendous number of people did not fully appreciate
what it was that I was communicating, the shyte I was spewing” Bevin said, referring to his earlier comments.
Ya think??
As for additional commentary I’ll just defer to @pluckyinky
Bevin is using one of the favorite explanations embraced by Trump’s handlers whenever he tweets something stupid and/or insulting:
“I didn’t say anything wrong, but some of you are simply too dim to comprehend what I wrote.”
Next time he might try another of the Trump spin doctor assertions:
“I was only kidding, but clearly you’re too dumb to get the joke.”
Stop calling these statements apologies. They aren’t.
“I apologize for those who have been hurt”…
What interesting word usements you structure, Bevin.
Another Repug non-apology. He is an aggressive sack of rightwing shit who doesn’t care who he hurts. Piss off, asshole.
Fake apology NOT accepted you Republican POS.
I wish I saw this guy on the street. I’d literally spit in his face.
You’ve gotta give Republicans credit, they have really nailed the insincere apology.
He is sorry for being an a##…well then all is well
I believe he’s a republican. Can’t you tell? Dumb asshole!
I know what you meant Bevin. And you meant it as insult to teachers, working hard and under paid. You meant it as an insult to parents who must both wotk to make ends meet. It was also an insult to everyone who calls Kentucky home because you assumed all those people were/are sexual predators and drug dealers out to break into homes and prey on kids. Mr. Bevin, you should offer a straight up apology to everyone in KY and not the “if someone was hurt” variety and get your teachers a raise too.
“Clearly, a tremendous number of people did not fully appreciate what it was that I was communicating,” Bevin said
The problem for Bevin is that clearly people fully understood exactly what he was saying. And he know it.
You can’t take back words as moronic as Bevin’s. They are a permanent stain on humanity.
We have a new turd blossom.
Well, since it’s laudable even to attempt to be clear in one’s language, I’ll make my own attempt here. You’re an idiot, Bevins. Fuck you. We hope to rid the political world of rabid creeps like you before they destroy the nation. If you are one of those who have been hurt by the things that were said—just now, by me—then good. Quit and find honest work.
"for those who have been hurt by the things that were said. It was not my intent whatsoever,” the governor said.
(cough) bullshit! (cough). As we say among the beer-guzzling post-ride (bike) men and women, this guy isn’t an asshole, he is an asswipe. One is worse than the other, depending on your viewpoint.
“apology with about four minutes of wordy passive voice”
The only victim that got fucked over in this disgraceful episode was the English language. Take a grammar class, you goon. And pay the teacher.
All you have to do is change one word in that bullshit apology and it becomes what he meant in the first place.
Swap out “Said” to “True”. Kinda sociopathic really.