Discussion: Beto Nabs Highly Sought-After Top Obama Aide As Campaign Manager

I say bring on all contenders
I have been so depressed these last few days. The mute button is worn out from silencing his camel brays about “exoneration”
Let’s find the strongest candidate to beat that orange pile of shit.
This must stop


O’Rourke is not helping the Democrats by running for President, a race he’ll never win. He should be running for Senate in Texas again, against John Cornyn, a race he could possibly win.

By running for President, he is giving up a potential Senate pick-up for the Democrats.

But he is setting himself up for a good career as a grifter. Kind of a Democratic Sarah Palin, except he is male, uber-wealthy, and lost his only statewide race.


A statewide race for a Democrat in Texas is still a very tall hill.


Agreed, but Beto has the best chance of any Texas Democrat at the moment. Plus, he has his pro-Republican pro-fossil fuel voting record to help him.

Winning a nationwide race for a statewide loser like Beto is an even taller hill.

I still don’t blame him for taking a shot at POTUS. Coming as close as he did in a statewide race in Texas in a midterm is one thing. Coming that close or winning in a statewide race in Texas in a Presidential election year is another thing altogether.


Dillon told the Times that she was not planning to jump into the race this early, but was compelled to by O’Rourke’s message.

Message? What message? That he’s a giant, Obama-like cypher who allows everyone to project their own beliefs upon him, only to disappoint once elected?


I don’t like your attitude, no candidate of yours will ever win


It’s just GeorgeH Jake
Forget it
Our Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Got a parade , He’ll rain on it


I wouldn’t compare him to Palin.

Nor would I call him “uber-wealthy” – and even if he were … well … was Ted Kennedy “uber-wealthy”? I don’t see an argument here.

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Me, too.


Well, stranger things have happened!


Yes, you may be right.

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Apparently David Sirota doesn’t like him. Which is a plus for me. Probably because he’s competing with Bernie for the white punk skateboarder vote. Much more to be discussed, though.


Both are utterly unqualified to be President.

Beto’s net worth of about $9 million is uber-wealthy, in my opinion. His father-in-law’s net worth is about $500 million.

$9 million is uber-wealthy compared to 99% of the rest of America, again, in my opinion.

And maybe we should not bring up Ted Kennedy because that just leads to Mary Jo…

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I agree. A lot of people I know (and myself) gladly contributed small contributions to Beto (and Doug Jones) this year because of their notorious vitriolic and awful adversaries.

I don’t think that means that all those people think he should run for president. And if you ask me, that is sort of the siren song that he and his enthusiasts are heeding, that the large nationwide donor base (and their contact information) are going to signify a huge nationwide movement for his presidential candidacy.

Besides, my fascination with boyish white men with bushy hair and rolled up sleeves, talking on a bullhorn from the top of station wagons, ended on a sad morning in June, 1968 when a motorist stopped me as I pedalled on my Bayamon, PR, morning paper route, and asked me to sell him a paper because he had just heard on the radio that RFK had been assassinated late last night. The paper of course did not have the story yet. .


It’s easier for a Democrat to win the presidency than a senate seat in Texas. Obama lost Texas twice.


“Let’s own the Left” is a great way to make political decisions. It’s been working so well!

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Abraham Lincoln served only one term in the House before he became president. We place too much importance on experience. Character is what matters.


That’s a slightly different statement.

Yes, I can see why one might argue that O’Rourke is unqualified.


Wealthy, sure, but maybe not in the “uber” sense.


Yes, what he did and did not do at Chappaquiddick was at best a serious mistake but you’re evading the point: If you’re suggesting that O’Rourke’s wealth somehow deforms his politics, then (1) Was Ted wealthy? and (2) If so, how did his wealth affect his political views and policy positions?

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Obama actually won a Senate seat in his home state. What has Beto won?

Why should we skip over all the intermediate steps that show political ability? How about actual accomplishments?


i guess according to some right wing democrats beto is qualified because he lost a senate race in texas.
sound reasoning and what is to be expected from those who still believe obama was a progressive.

well…the country is moving left not right and while beto is seen by the power structure of the democratic party to be a reliable repiglicon …based on his voting record and his support for other repiglicons in races where he refused to support democrats…the voters do not share in that illusion/deception.

put aside that appeal…and coming in a close second is his sociopathic personality complete with the exaggerated hand movements…sorta like a bad magic act…as his only explanation of why he is qualified…being he “was born to run for president”…and you have everything he offers as a candidate.
hardly the stuff that should impress true progressives or anyone but a reader of brietbart…

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