Bernie will be speaking way past the bedtime of his temper tantrum supporters.
HAs CrooKEd HItlary YEt released HER delegates to Clear the PAth for BERnIE NOM??
They fought and they lost fair and square. It’s time to follow Bernie’s advice and join the Clinton campaign. As he said, “this is life in politics.” Change happens slowly and will only happen now with Hillary in the White House.
The Bernie Bots seem to have woken up and smelled the chai. They realized that a bunch of angry white guys booing a stage full of women and people of color was not a good look.
Let’s see if his supporters boo Elizabeth Warren. Good God, what has this man done? He brought a bunch of people into the convention who are convinced that, if they just burn everything down, they’ll somehow end up with something better. Congratulations Bernie! You’ve shown the world just how awful pure nihilism can really be.
Edit: OK, I just watched Cory Booker’s speech, and everything is cool! Bernie Bros, I’ve got to admit, you had me scared, but things are OK now. Really!
They’re sounding like Ted Cruz: Vindictive, clueless and uneducated.
“The only event now scheduled after Sanders is the benediction.”
Even making him the opening act for G-d won’t be a big enough concession for dead-enders.
It might be if he brought Pope Francis to give the benediction.
Oh, ffs. He says it’s essential that we elect Clinton and Kaine; he tweets all his delegates imploring them not to boo; his campaign manager tries to put to bed the meme that the election was stolen; he says that the email release in no way changes his support for Clinton. But you keep fucking that chicken and call him a nihilist. Get a grip.
Just wait. We’re ready to boo God as well.
And the baby Jesus. And yeah the Holy Ghost too (you probably don’t know about him).
Just wait. We have the Fallen Angel coming on right after Bernie.
Final speaking slot of the night and, depending on how some of his supporters act, possibly the final convention speaking slot of his career.
Excellent point. The pressure’s on him now.
Sanders supporters have moved the political discourse in this country farther,and faster then anything I have seen in my lifetime. They have been very successful. To blow it all now because they did not get all they want would be a tragedy. That is what they would be doing if they gave up and decided not to vote, and Trump ended up getting elected because of it
His Senate Committee memberships are in peril, as well. If the Senate flips, he will be assigned seats by a Democrat.
I like how you think!
If he thought the deck was stacked against him before, just wait.
NPR was reporting they already booed the pastor who have the opening benediction.
Good grief.
Yep, they did.