Discussion for article #243955
Shark jumped.
Did they hire David Boies?
Know who’s loving this?
Drumpf, Cruz, the RNC, etc…
I have GOT to see this pleading–Hey Judge, it’s true I noticed that the locker next to mine had a faulty lock, so I snooped around in there and took some pictures, and got caught. But now they won’t let me back in to the locker room!
Way to go Bernie! Don’t let the DNC get away with this bush league garbage.
I hope their lawyers have heard of in pare delicto in equity.
Yes, nothing wins the affections of voters more than suing your way into something, especially when it’s a consequence for your own malfeasance. I’m sure the polls will skyrocket after this bold showing of Trump-like behavior against (shock) a woman in a position of power.
The crowing over this, like this will sure show Bernie, is killing me. Ugh, we don’t have to be like the freaking Republicans but I guess I was too optimistic.
This is great news for McCain.
The old “Sorry but I can’t discuss pending litigation” ploy.
BREAKING. The DNC Goes To War Against Bernie Sanders And Vice Versa: https://t.co/fBy1clB01R
— RedState (@RedState) December 18, 2015
I think they’ve actually got it backwards, but yeah.
The longer this story’s alive, the more damage it’s going to do to Sanders, the DNC, and Clinton. There’s absolutely nothing to crow about, Sanders and the DNC need to work something out ASAP. Just as the Sanders campaign should have known the way in which their well-intentioned and ill-advised actions would be received, the DNC should have realized that this is playing heavily into the RNC’s hands.
That data really shouldn’t have worn that dress.
I still say that this is a bad move for Sanders. Put your tail between your legs and apologize. His staff screwed up and this just shines the light further on their misdeeds.
Hillary will downplay it at the debate and this will enrage the Berners even more. Screencap this.
You’re not going to win the affections of voters by rigging the game either. In fact you’re going to turn them away. Lets have a real primary with prime time debates and equal coverage. If Hillary could win that she can have my vote.
The stupid continues.
You wanted it rigged your way is all. Low polling candidates never get the same coverage. This isn’t a Hillary/Bernie thing, it’s a permanent feature of campaigns. Ask Jeb Bush.
And if you think you can win a general election with this whiny “fairnesss” crap, you’re crazy.
No. The DNC’s blocking him from accessing the date HE HAS PAID FOR. It’s his.
LOL. Maybe Hillary can block Trump’s access to his data a month before the election too.