Discussion: Bernie Sanders Asked About 1985 Comments Praising Communist Cuba

And how many political offices do they hold?

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I have been saying this for a while, that between this praise of Castro and his trip to Managua in the 80s to celebrate the 6th anniversary of the Sandinistas taking over Nicaragua… it will be toxic. Absolutely toxic.

You will see some ads with some Nicaraguan-American talking about how their parents were executed by the regime (maybe cause they were deeply religious or something else useful to drive angst)… juxtaposed with Bernie hanging out with Daniel Ortega while he was still sporting the olive drab wannabe Che Guevara look.

And every down-ballot Democrat will be forced to flee for their electoral lives from Senator Sanders…


Hipster politics. Leftwing bookstore politics.


The only downballot Dems who would latch onto Sanders’ political ideas are the ones who most likely aren’t going to get elected anyway OR their constituents are extremely left leaning. Other than that, it’s the kiss of death.


I’ve said it many times in different places, Bernie HAS NOT been vetted yet to any extent. Obama by now was dogged by the Jeremiah Wright association, and Hillary’s been slaughtered on fifty different issues, but what has Bernie been called on? Comparatively zilch.


+1000 They will not be able to flee for their lives. I am just old enough to remember the impact McGovern had on democratic hopes. Well sanders is 10 times worse. Sanders = President Trump, republican gains in the senate, house, and them picking the next supreme court justice.

I live in San Francisco, and his answer does not even fly here…


I see Sanders followers on Twitter freaking out that the moderaters had the audacity to even bring up this video.

Holy crap, are they naive about how the general election would work. This is Bernie’s first real small taste of what being in the spotlight is like. Welcome to Hillary’s world for the last 30 years. Buckle your seatbelts and strap on your helmets, the smooth ride is just about over.


Josh, it disqualifies him as a serious Dem candidate. In the general election, it takes away states like Florida, Virginia, Ohio who do not want to understand some nuanced explanation for praising Communist dictators who oppressed their Peoples. It could flip States like New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada too. I knew about this, and there is more. I really like Bernie, but he cannot be the Dem nominee.


I know Bernie’s practiced … He’s been at it for awhile … But I think he’s slipping a little …

I could clearly see what he was doing with the other hand —

For the past 20+ years, Sanders has been running for re-election in Vermont, a small state with a relatively homogeneous population, a constituency that knows him well, with virtually no competition. That’s what he’s used to.


I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that this one falls flat, even in Florida. This has been the season of surprises in terms of the difference between the conventional wisdom and the voting reality, and this attack has all the earmarks of a chattering class kerfuffle that amounts to nothing. Clinton’s margin in Florida - 7 points. #onalimb


I started out liking the guy but now I find him truly scary.

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In fact, it is. And as I posted in another thread, that part of the debate was just a glimpse of what would be coming from the Republicans. In the general, it would be a 24/7 barrage of attack ads against him, with lotta dreadful graphics of what the “political revolution” thingy would look like. This one would be absolutely deadly.


By all means, let’s get this all out during the primary. Better to see now rather than later whether Bernie-is-a-commie does real damage or if, for the umpteenth time this season, the smart money is dead wrong.


Was the “Smart Money” saying that Hillary was essentially going to have an insurmountable delegate math lead by March 16th? Becaue the smart money is right.


Younger Cubans are more supportive of normalizing relations with Cuba, yes. But they still think the Castro brothers are vicious dictators and probably the Devil Incarnate on Earth. Its an identity/family thing, and family things are very important in the Cuban community.

Sanders problem is that he wasn’t just supportive of normalization of relations, he was seen on tape praising the Castros and what the revolution had brought about. That doesn’t fly with any Cuban-Americans.


I think the smart money had her wrapping it up before then.


Even Cuban Millenials have heard at least one real life account of how a family member (theirs or someone else’s) had to flee the island with just a handful of money and a skillet. For some people, personal history resonates strongly enough to go down generations.


Her margin is going to be much more in line with the polling in Florida. Simply because its a closed primary. Bernie wont’t have big independent turnout to boost his numbers like he did in Iowa, New Hampshire and Michigan.

And this won’t fall flat in Florida, not being on Univision, broadcast from Miami on a Wed. night. This was seen and heard.


“the state and local level” – oh, this. I wanted Nader and/or the Greens to start there as well. Why has the left, progressive Dems and indies, never taken the lesson of the right? That’s how they did it, starting with school boards and working their way up, until they could virtually plug in any remotely compatible president at the top of the pyramid. Reagan didn’t start their revolution, he was the culmination.