Discussion: Ben Stein: Obama 'Most Racist President' Ever In America (VIDEO)

And WTF cares what Ben Senile Stein thinks? I mean, really? Anyone? Anyone? Beeeeeuuulller?


Stein occasionally offers up movie reviews on a CBS program called Sunday Morning. I usually watch this program but I fast forward when I see Stein’s going to be on.


Always the comedian.

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The degree of sheer historical ignorance, fear-mongering, and minority hatred encompassed in Stein’s comments is a proud and present reminder why everyone, everyone who cares about fair play and democracy SHOULD GET OFF THEIR ASS AND VOTE TOMORROW.


This from the man who said Michael Brown was not unarmed, he was “armed with his big scary self.” Ben Stein may live in fear of black people, but not all Americans are so racist or so cowardly.


One example of many:
“The Jews are irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards.”

  • Nixon
    and many other presidents

And let’s not forget Reagan’s Welfare Cadillac and Bush senior’s WIllie Horton.


There was “Win Ben Stein’s Money,” which was pretty enjoyable. He also narrated an educational and entertaining display on the Constitution at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

Ben must be trying to get his own show. Him and Roger Ailes go back to the Nixon administration and that “Southern Strategy” thingy.

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During an appearance on Fox News’ "America’s News HQ

Was there any doubt?

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Idk, that James Buchanan was pretty racist there asshole. Not that I expect the right to have any knowledge of history.

No, Ben. President Obama has nothing on your hero, Tricky Dick Nixon. We’ve heard the White House tapes.

The Nixon Presidential Library has released the last set of Nixon tapes, and boy are they doozies. The former president is caught making anti-Semitic comments and stating that black people are incapable of running a country. On a phone call with Henry Kissinger, Nixon was concerned that the Jews would sabotage an upcoming U.S.-Soviet summit—and if they did, he said, “it’s gonna be the worst thing that happened to Jews in American history.” On another call, Nixon says he wants to fire his then-aide and lawyer, Leonard Garment, yelling “God damn his Jewish soul!” And in an Oval Office meeting, Nixon said that black people couldn’t run Jamaica. “Blacks can’t run it. Nowhere, and they won’t be able to for a hundred years, and maybe not for a thousand … Do you know, maybe one black country that’s well run?” What sort of appointees would Nixon prefer, you ask? “No Jews. We are adamant when I say no Jews.” The tapes were recorded between April 9 and July 12, 1973.


What a pig.

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How many non-whites ever competed against him on the show? I don’t remember any, to be honest, but I wasnt paying attention.

I was just marveling at his complete lack of knowledge about Buddhism.

‘Complete the sentence “If you meet the Buddha on the road, you should…”’

which apparently he had never heard before.

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Wow! Years ago he had a show called “Ben Stein’s Money”.
Now we’re treated to his new thing, “Ben Stein’s Bigotry”.


Actually, “Who is the most racist President” could be an interesting question. For the 20th century, I’d throw out Woodrow Wilson’s name. Between segregating the federal government and calling “Birth of a Nation” “history written in lightening.” How about Rutherford B. Hayes, who ended any attempt at Reconstruction and gave up trying to protect African Americans’ rights under the 14th and 15th amendments? James Buchanan would certainly be up there, I would think. Jefferson? I mean he did sign the act ending the importation of slaves as well as being the author of the northwest ordinances which outlawed slavery in the old northwest, but he did own lots of slaves.

Frankly, Obama is up against some pretty tough competition in this regard.


I guess Stein never heard Nixon’s Oval Office recordings and rants about Jews…

(Apologies to AntiSachetDeThe who made this point much better upthread.)


Stein hasn’t ever gotten over the resignation of his life-long man-crush, Tricky Dick. He blames the Democratic Party for his end of his political bromance.


He is so far past mattering to anyone. He should just shut up and spend the rest of his days on the beach waving a metal detector and muttering to himself.


Ben Stein = Scumbag at best.