Discussion: Ben Carson Manages To Link Hillary Clinton To Lucifer (VIDEO)

Ben Carson political faith healer. This kind of crap passes for religion in the minds of some really ignorant boobs who have never actually read the gospels of Jesus.

I think it might come as a surprise to Dr. Droopy-eyes that those lovely Teabaggers really looked up to Saul Alinsky even while finding ways to demonizing him. This stupid rhetoric goes back to at least 2010 for a lot of these airheads. They modeled their little TPotty on most of Alinsky’s ideas. But I’m sure the irony is lost on this twit however.

Except, it’s now getting to point where the ideas that I just outlined above are getting pushed out into the mainstream by these freaks.

Which is the direct result of the marathon, four-decades-long, hot, dirty, sexual congress between Christian Evangelical Dominionism and the GOP.

I know Andrew Sullivan isn’t highly regarded by most liberals, and his Clinton Derangement Syndrome has been off the charts for decades. However, he was the first major political journalist in the country to openly call attention to the fact that the Republican Party is a de facto theocratic party, and he was saying this way back in 2008, if not before.

He’s live-blogging the GOP convention for NY magazine here: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/07/andrew-sullivan-liveblogs-the-rnc-night-2.html

Sullivan is very open in his disgust and contempt for the modern “conservative” movement, and the GOP:

8:20p.m. Today was a rather remarkable one in the degeneration of the
conservative movement. The Trump convention has gotten off to a scary,
shambolic, near-comic start. And Roger Ailes – whose foul propaganda
helped create the toxic atmosphere in which this vulgar thug of a
nominee could thrive – is about to be defenestrated, because of sexual abuse.

Imagine if Fox News changes from being a poisonous propaganda entity into a
more conventional right-of-center news organization. Imagine if this
neo-fascist experiment we’re now witnessing in Cleveland goes down in
flames this November. Over eight long, brutal years, Obama played it on
the ropes, waiting, waiting. And the over-reach now seems tangible and
potentially transformative.

I can’t believe this quite yet. But I can hope. Obama has been like a
poultice, bringing so much pus to the surface of American life. Trump
is like some giant whitehead waiting to pop. It will be ugly but it
might ensure that America can begin to move forward again."

I often wonder what happened to the real Ben Carson. RealBenCarson is so obviously a fake. There is no way this man ever put his hands inside someone’s cranial cavity and have them come out alive and hale on the other side.
Unless the other side is heaven in which case, “mission accomplished, another one for the Lord. Halelujah.”

Well, not really… but Carson was not making a argument… he was creating a sound bite. But, eventually when your otherwise intelligent and well meaning brother in law (or co-worker or whomever) tries to score points in an attempt to look superior to to his ‘libturd’ kin by repeating it it helps to have a succinct counter point. It might be helpful to be able to point out that trying to tie Ms Rodham’s 1969 thesis to a book that was published in 1971 would only work if his smoking gun was equipped with a working Flux Capacitor and that is clearly impossible since that was not invented until 1985.

My broader point harps back to one Professor Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” (#5) Which I am quite sure Dr Carson has never read…

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

(from the book’s wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals

(please note: slack given…)

Yeah, I get all that. And it’s good to have your facts straight and your ducks in a row when these people trot these things out. But it doesn’t do any good. These people are immune to facts. Facts have a well-known liberal bias. One has only to consider Christie’s use of the sixteen year old hogwash about the Clinton staffers taking all the W’s off the White House keyboards to grasp this.

And ridicule doesn’t work on these people. If they were afraid of ridicule they wouldn’t continue to say such ridiculous things. Ridicule may have been an effective weapon in 1971, but the conservative of 2016 is a different breed. They’re like all the strains of germs that have become immune to anti-biotics.