Discussion for article #244120
Grifter’s gotta grift.
His campaign is going nowhere – might as well make a quick buck, eh Ben?
Ben Carson … America’s broad new source of natural gas, but more environmentally injurious than fracking.
Well, the FEC certainly isn’t going to do anything.
Hell, the still have investigations open from 2012 concerning some of the shell companies donating to Romney. And by open I mean, they haven’t lifted a finger to investigate a thing.
Unshocked! Unshocked I say!
at least they haven’t tried to add folksy humorist to his résumé…
even tho he’s pretty funny…
Ka-chng, ka-ching-big surprise! Graduated from Sarah Palin’s School of Grifting and Money-Grubbing.
Grifted Hands
As if it was ever in doubt, we now can confirm that his “presidential campaign” was all about the benjamins - both Carson and $$.
Taking grifting to a level Wasilla Kardashian can only dream about
and still, poor rubes who barely eke out a living will continue to donate to him as their “Christian hero.”
Carson had the gall to go after Obama at The National Prayer Breakfast, a nonpartisan event, about two and a half years ago. But he’s finding out that it takes a lot of hard work, discipline, and desire to attain that position, especially as an African-American. And it’s a position, I think it’s safe to say, he will never reach. And as to making money, I give him all due credit for his success as a neurosurgeon, which along with his extreme right wing views, has been the springboard for his ability to grift today.
And the fact that he’d rather grift than run a serious campaign for President says a lot about his character and how serious he is about his views.
If a Dem were doing this, the Republicans and press would be all over them like a dirty shirt. The Republicans have to play by none of the rules. They skirt all the rules and if you question anything, they say “None of your business” or "we don’t have to disclose’. To add to the insanity, the Teapublicans threw fits when Lois Lerner were doing their jobs when they closely scrutinized applications for tax exempt political organizations.
In the old days, people went on talk shows and various other events to promote their products and themselves. Now they run for president. A lot easier and a lot more lucrative. In the process they are making themselves richer, but cheapening the nominating process and the presidency itself.
But has a Democrat ever done this? I’m biased no doubt, but it seems that even in a stage full of candidates such as we saw in 2008 as an example there was not one person overtly in it for the dough. Sure, some fell away and we heard stories later viz John Edwards, but no one sold books or cinnamon diabetes cures or videos while they presented themselves as candidates. This really is a case where only one side does it and won’t be called out for it.
Carson is below Paul and above Kasich as a viable long term contender, Cruz will win the evangelicals in IA, Trumpenstein probably wins NH, so it is as mercenary and shameless as it gets to continue down this path. But the path is lined with gold
Sure are a lot of stupid repugs.
I suppose it goes without saying that the Democrats and progressives haven’t institutionalized hyperpartisan talking as a cash cow and wing of their political operation the way the GOP has. And the GOP has both normalized the corruption involved and weakened the institutions that would police it.
there is little evidence in the charity’s tax forms that it doled out grants from the money it raised.
OMG, just like Jesus!