Discussion: Ben Carson Compares Some Syrian Refugees To 'Mad Dogs' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #243028

Speaking of intellectually clumsy?
The shoelaces of Dr Nutbag’s brain seem perpetually tied together.



Dawg is mad.


Wow. Just wow. Want to take a guess what Jesus might say in response to Dr. Carson’s uncontrollably hateful attitude?


In response to being compared to mad dogs, the refugees had a few things to say about Uncle Ben’s surgical skills

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“We have to have in place screening mechanisms that allow us to determine who the mad dogs are,”

What we really need to have in place is a screening mechanism that will allow us to determine who the mad dog, wacko politicians are, starting with Carson.


One of the big problems we have is that conservatives are so entirely clueless that they think the rest of us are incompetent morons for not adopting obviously simple solutions to complex problems. Like in this case, where they imagine that there is no vetting process whatsoever for refugees, as if nobody ever thought to check these people before we let them come to the country. But they do this with everything, where they assume there are simple solutions to all our problems, entirely unaware that we’ve either rejected these simple solutions for being stupid or are already doing them.

And the biggest problem is what I keep railing about: Talk Radio controls everything conservatives do, and those people have no responsibility for getting anything done or being accurate about anything; nor could they since they have no expertise beyond their ability to talk. It’s their job to continually stir the hornet’s nest of disgruntled white people who suffer from impotent rage because their lives didn’t turn out better. And so the know-nothing talk radio hosts invent their own reality, and even political leaders who should know better believe what these guys say or are cynical enough to not try to fight it.

And all this happens under the hood, because it’s not on TV or online; and therefore most of us never see it. We focus on Fox News, but Fox News is fair and balanced compared with the insanity that happens on the radio. They’ve created an entirely separate reality from our own, where America really is about to be toppled by Muslims, minorities, and the bogeyman, and it drives them crazy that the rest of us aren’t equally panicked about it.


If you are keeping score

Huckabee called Syrian refugees ‘bad peanuts’

Carson considers them to be mad dogs.

Ok Donald…you’re up

You are so right about talk radio. My brother listens to AM while en route to different job sites. He is constantly talking about all the bat-shit crazy loony ideas or what Obama is planning to do next. He listens only to laugh at them. Sometimes he’ll call in and pretend to be a right-winger, but I think they’re on to him because he isn’t getting in anymore. He’s been “cut off” a number of times in mid-sentence. My brother is no liberal, mind you. He’s pretty centrist but thinks today’s Republicans are literally trying to outdo each other with the most crazy, hateful ideas or talking points. I asked him if he thinks people like Trump or Cruz actually belief the stuff they say. He’s certain Cruz is just as crazy as Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin, but not so sure about Trump – he thinks there’s a chance Trump is just trolling the GOP.


“Quite frankly, who are the people who want to come in and hurt us and destroy us.”

Well , Bless your heart, Unca Ben…


The main reason I focus on talk radio is because I’ve got a buddy who isn’t political, doesn’t watch or read the news, or visit political blogs of any sort. But…he gets lonely at night and listens to local talk radio regularly. And he totally believes everything they say and doesn’t even think they’re political, but instead thinks they’re just common sense friends who aren’t afraid to tell it like it really is. After all, they hate “both sides,” just like he does; and he fails to notice how they only seem to focus their attacks on one side, or how their attacks on Republicans are only because they don’t do more to stop Democrats.

And we’ll talk politics sometimes and he says the bat craziest stuff, all about Benghazi, and Fast Furious, and how the economic numbers are lies, and how Obama is the worst president ever, etc. And he can’t really explain what any of these scandals really are, but refuses to believe me when I tell him it’s all invented. Meanwhile, he doesn’t have health insurance because this is Texas and they didn’t expand Medicaid and he falls right into the hole; yet he doesn’t care about this at all or know who to blame. He just know that these guys on the radio and their callers all sound so knowledgeable and refuses to accept that they’re full of crap.

And like I say, they’re his only source of news, since he mainly listens for companionship and not because he cares about politics. And that’s the case with millions of people in this country, who see that CNN and Fox can be skewed; but accept their buddies on the radio as being the True Source of Knowledge. And these guys say stuff that would make Rush Limbaugh embarrassed, assuming that were possible.

But because they can filter out dissenting viewpoints of who can call in, their listeners all live in a crazy bubble, and obviously include many people in power; including Trump and Carson who most definitely sound like victims of talk radio nonsense. And until we can find a way of getting through to those people, we’ll continue to deal with people who live in a fantasy world that is only barely related to our own.


Exactly. In a rational world, one of the republican candidates would realize that supporting refugees can be a powerful position. Imagine, if in this alternate world, Mr. Carson said something like, “we need to open our arms to Syrian refugees and demonstrate good Christian values.” If he did, he would gain more support than he loses. People like to hear they are good people, and he could use his faith to set himself apart.

Who am I kidding?

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Um… turds in the punch bowl?

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There u go.

That’s what Donald needs to aim for Eat.

Ben Carson’s A Series of Unfortunate Comments continues unabated.

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Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Thursday compared the process of vetting Syrian refugees wishing to enter the U.S. to a parent protecting a child from a rabid dog.

Carson is also a veterinarian?

Hey, Muslims love dogs, right?, so they won’t mind this analogy, right?

Seriously sad. First, I’m feeling really sorry your friend is basically such a lonely guy who–it sounds like–sorta believes the whole world is against him and his beliefs, thinking to himself “Damn, if only … if only all those others would just wake up; the majority of folks, well they’re just unsophisticated (in how to go about forming a proper understanding of an issue) and gullible .” Second, you are right to be concerned about situations like this – but it is exactly what the right-wing politicians and their financial and hardline religionist supporters want. Vulnerable, pretty conservative to begin with (at least from a social point of view because that is the easiest way to scare the shit out of someone and lead them on) and minimal education, public or other. I know them well. There are many in my own family (mostly all in the extended but to a degree of what I just described in a few of my immediate family). Thank goodness my brother has a broader worldview and realized a long time ago that his gay brother is A-Okay with him … and that has helped to anchor much of how he started out viewing politics and society back in the 80s and 90s. This is a very serious issue for our country. All the nuances–and there are many–boiled down to the core, I’d have to say our best weapons are strong public education with a heavy emphasis on teaching how the world is really quite a beautiful place when you consider all the different regions and cultures and how they all developed, their histories; a true appreciation for the sciences; and multiple abilities /approaches to critical thinking.