Discussion for article #243146
The Middle East isn’t New Jersey, Ben.
You’re a narcissistic Oreo moron, Ben. But by all means stay in the race!
So, he’s admitting to either being a liar OR an idiot.
Both perhaps?
Not ready for Prime Time by any stretch. Its not just that he got the videos he saw mixed up, its in how he answered this on FOX. It scares the crap out of FOX viewers.
His decline in the polls continues unabated.
Summer is over. GOP voters are having the fears stoked on a daily basis right now. Which means they ARE paying attention.
I would like to see the video of all these Muslims cheering worldwide on 9/11.
Since they claim it was so widespread there should be hours of verifiable footage.
The only things I remember were the cheering Israelis in Liberty State Park, NJ and that now debunked clip of some happy Palestinians. I believe the US also got support from the governments of Muslim nations.
Anybody with 2 brain cells knew this was not going to end well for Muslims in general.
Carson’s out of the running.
The good Dr. is cartography challenged, also too.
I see dead people… Wait, what was the question again?
Functionally, Carson is toast. His fervent supporters are too stupid to recognize it, but he’s already hit his peak and there’s nowhere to go but down, and as the descent progresses, it will gain speed. By the time the caucuses in Iowa come around, Carson’s support will consist of the rock-hard kernel of nuts who are impervious to external reality, and that number won’t be any higher than low double-digits at best.
How does this man stand in front of microphones, cameras, press, a printed campaign backdrop and still manage to seem startled by the questions?
Ben Carson apologized that he still isn’t quick enough to realize when the secular progressive media are maliciously trying to trick him with gotcha questions.
“now debunked”? According to Snopes, CNN stands by that footage.
Definitely not a trustworthy negotiator for international treaties, for us and the other parties.
Dr Bens 9 9 9 moment. Bye bye Bennie.
He will drop into single digits by February, probably before New Years. External factors have abruptly shifted the campaign from feeling good about Jesus, to being very afraid of everything in the world. And Carson is woefully ill prepared for that discussion.
As I said, its not just that he doesn’t know anything, its that he keeps reaffirming the believe in everybody that he doesn’t know anything. I mean yesterday he said he can get learned up on foreign affairs. At this point, what people hear with that statement is “I don’t know anything about foreign affairs”, and that’s too big of a hole for the GOP voters to ignore.
“Yeah, yeah,” Carson responded. “I thought we were just talking about the fact that Muslims were inappropriately celebrating. I didn’t know that they had an agenda behind the question.”
Yeah, dickish response: “agenda.” Note he doesn’t say “some” Muslims. It’s Muslims celebrating. So … all Muslims? All Muslims in the Middle East? Thanks for the “clarification.”
They have an agenda. That’s what surprises him. Because he doesn’t?
Oh, what a tangled campaign we weave…
I remember seeing that footage just after 9/11 – Palestianian-looking people dancing with guns on the streets and sidewalks. To me that footage was hard to believe. It was not rooted to anything, They could have been at a wedding, or a religious holiday. There was no local commentary – it felt like a plant.