Discussion: Behind "Make America Great", the Koch Agenda Returns with a Vengeance

Tsunami hitting Japan. Is that on Obama or can we start blaming Trump?

Every night after work when I read through your articles, my blood pressure skyrockets. The bad guys have truly won. Worse, they are being carried in victory laps on the shoulders of the people they will suck dry. How horribly depressing. Every night its a brand new story that leaves helps drain any remaining empathy I might have for my fellow Americans. Half of America wants this.


Grim. My hope is that the social safety net is still a ā€œthird railā€. But with the money the Kochtopus has, they could sell heating pads in hell. Plus the tribe that elected Little Donny have the attention span of gnats. It will be very difficult to move them back to their own self-interest until it is too late.

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Best article on TPM in about six years.

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Typically, when the Republicans crash the economy they blame the dems who were just in office. When a Dem does well in office they say it is a carry over from Reagan. Blind, deaf and dumb.

Koches smart, let Trump do their job. Probably saved big bux.

This is superb reporting. I only hope it has some impact. While it does appear that the Koch machine has overwhelmed the obsolete, disintegrating liberal political infrastructure, there is every opportunity for the tech giants to awaken and put their considerable resources and social media leverage toward fighting fire with fire. It is not too late to reverse this but it wonā€™t be easy.


First indicator for me was when Gov. Brownback went all in for cutting taxes in Kansas which is the Koch home base.
Koch is oil and has connections with oil based economies like Russia going back generations. No association was made in the news between Brownback and Koch Industries but I made the connection that something must be up and that something had to do with the 2016 election. Brownback is no jerk and he was doing the things he was doing as a bet on the future. He won. Look for the price of oil to go up to something like $75 even with the new discovery in Texas.


The Kochs will not be happy until they have undone everything accomplished for the middle class legislatively since FDRā€™s first term. That is the goal, make no mistake about it.

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Make America Break Again


If gold is speech then so is lead.

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ā€œMake coal CLEAN again!ā€

Ballrogā€™s minionsā€¦

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which of these is most conducive?

ā€œMake America Stink Againā€


ā€¦there can be only one?


you missed a fewā€¦

Thatā€™s not what weā€™re saying. Weā€™re pointing out that Judis seems to miss a lot of nuance and facts in his editorial observations. It seems to be a feature of his.


Yeah, navigating through TPMā€™s constant tabloid like reporting on Trump with a little Sanders bashing sprinkled in for good measure, I may have a missed a few.
