Discussion: Before Haspel's Hearings, Debate Rages Between Supporters And Detractors

Really? That’s it?

Ninety plus percent of the country wants gun control, and have been ignored because we haven’t tweeted???

Trump said:

Gina Haspel has displayed dedication and leadership throughout her more than three decades of service with the CIA and is the right person to lead the Agency.

Trump left unsaid:

Plus I have an executed NDA and Loyalty agreement already in my possession, so she is the perfect person to protect me against the deep state.

Unenthusiastic as I am about having the torture queen run the CIA, I think she’s probably the best we can hope for under trump.

Thanks, AP, for leaving out the mass letter signed by a different set of intelligence and foreign service officials saying that Haspel was utterly unfit for the job.

That first photo than ran of her in the press for about a month with a forced smile plastered to her face said it all. There is no soul there just a heart of darkness. She is a key cog of the new MAGA order. Whatever the boss needs done politically she will be there for him. Collateral damage, be it law abiding citizens or the constitution be damned. She will be the enforcer and executioner. if you step outside the country and have crossed Trump in a way that has caught notice, your bad. Best of kin will be notified.

She looks like my old Sunday school teacher, she was torture, too…

If she makes it a message will be sent to the world. The USA lost a big chunk of it’s moral authority in the torture disaster and got nothing in return. This woman ran a torture site in Thailand. lets get that in perspective. Thailand. A lawless dump where atrocity in same ole same ole. Whet she was doing could not be done in the USA or any part of the civilized world. So the CIA built a torture chamber in the forests of Indochina and hauled folks there for purposes that could only be done in a shithole like that. And this lady ran the joint. She saw the blood in the floors and arranged the secret disposal of those that “did not make it”. She heard the screams and she knew what was on those tapes. ( the tapes are made to coerce relatives by the way ). And she was all in. Put her in charge and America goes another notch down on the world stage.