Discussion: Beau Biden, 1969-2015

What a cruel twist.

A decent, honorable man, dead at 46. While, war trolls, cheney and mccain live on and on!

Not fair.


Thank you. Great question.

My deepest condolences on your loss. I canā€™t even imagine.

Isn;t that the truth!!

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Hi Candace. Good to see you here. I cannot imagine either and to lose a child to illness is devastating -I try to imagine how it is to the black parents who have to worry about their sons or daughters dying simply because they are ā€œthe wrong colorā€

Know what you mean. Iā€™ve buried a busload of loved ones including siblings and a spouse.

Grief is always there. We just kind of get by it, push it to background to get on with life. Otherwise we would remain in a kind of paralysis and unable to function. Thatā€™s why ā€œclosureā€ is such a dumb word.
I adopted the existential view of life long, long ago.


So much tragedy in the life of the Vice President. Best wishes to Joe Biden and to his and Beauā€™s family. Far too young. I feel that if Beau had lived he was going to be a power in the Democratic Party, much as his father was.


Remember, Mr. younger Biden is the oligarch entitled boy installed by his daddy as Dictator of the Ukraine (or whatever) less than a year ago. Beau baby is not blameless. He was part of the problem, not the solution.

Joe almost chose not to go forward with his Senate career when his wife and baby girl died in the car accident. Mike Mansfield and others convinced him to hang in there. He did. With his boys injured, he began his darn near religious commitment to commute home every night.

His tragic senate start has so much to do with the making of our Joe.

I tear up occasionally when we lose public figure in appreciation of whatever they have meant or accomplished, but there are few that break my heart ā€¦ this is one because I adore Joe Biden and his family.

Before that it was Tim Russert (yes, I realize that many here have no regard for him, but I did), before that Harry Chapin.

Bless you, Joe, Jill and the rest of your family.

Could you be more hateful? Joe biden has never been part of of the oligarchy ā€¦ he had so little wealth. And to disparage his son at this moment is shameful.

I wish you no sleep tonight.

It is at moments like this that I so appreciate our TPM commenitng family ā€¦ we share and we care.

As Iā€™m reading these comments Iā€™m reminded that back in the 1970ā€™s, I was within 25 miles of auto accidents in which a woman and her 2 kids were killed. One was the family of a neighbor, another the family of someone living in the same town, the other the family of a VP in a client company of mine.

Awful to even contemplate.

go fuck yourself.

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Sincere condolences to the Family and friends.

My sympathies and condolences to the entire Biden family. They say the good die young and by all accounts, Beau Biden was one of the good ones. He has been described of the best of his generation, and in our nation today, that is what we need. He will be sorely missed in the future, not only by his family and friends, but by a nation that could have used his good sense and abilities. May God hold him in His hands and give him peace.

And the cruel irony of Cheney actually getting another heart to live-on with. Very sick and sad and ironic about Cheney, while this middle-aged heroic son of another VP loses his life so early.

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Thatā€™s what I said.

How in the world can an old scumbag like cheney get a new heart??? I thought the age limit for heart transplants was 55??

Should something happen, I am an organ donor. I told my husband if my heart was going to the dick, or any of his brethren, donā€™t let that happen, throw it down the garage disposal.