Discussion: Barr Follows GOP's Lead, Puts Together Team To Review How Russia Probe Began

The investigation will also cover activities which occurred under the previous administration


Chump as a ā€˜leaderā€™ was a joke. But now he has a coach. Putin isnā€™t just ratfucking anymore, after what should have been a near fatal flirtation with our electoral system, he finds there was NO blowbackā€¦in fact everything he asked for he has got, and the strings to Chump are all intact and stronger than ever. Chump is way, way too idiotic to manage anything other than destructionā€¦of himself and everything he touches.

But now he has a brain behind him, and a defender. Putin will bail him out. By luck or skill, he now has Barr. And with Putinā€™s playbook, Chump becomes an amazingly competent tool. He hates most everything, and if upsetting and destroying all those rich assholes in America who would never let him in their ā€˜clubā€™ can be accomplished, while he lands softly on Russian ground or gets to remain dictator hereā€¦he will do it. He will burn it all down.

This should dispel any doubt that Barr is anything but a GOP apparatchik hustled into his current position solely to protect Trump from the deserved consequences of his acts. This ā€œinvestigationā€ is, of course, total b.s.; but it will give the denizens of Fox News a new toy they will enjoy for months.

By the way, it seems as though every day we discover that a ā€œsecureā€ fortress protecting someoneā€™s information has been hacked and exposed. Isnā€™t anyone interested in ā€œliberatingā€ Muellerā€™s full report and Trumpā€™s tax returns? Where are the hackers when we really need them?

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When the POTUS is doing this, the time for laughing is over.

ā€˜Attempted coup!ā€™ Trump furiously insists Mueller investigation was ā€˜illegalā€™ and ā€˜treasonousā€™ in latest rant

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C-Span link Barr had some interesting comments about ā€˜spyingā€™ in the 2016ā€¦(Itā€™s live right now)


Let the witch hunts begin!

Let the witch hunts begin!

Yeah, thatā€™s what he said !

(10c ? Not 10cc?)

they are manufacturing an alternative narrativeā€¦

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mmm quite possibly this pic explains why it began along with numerous obvious hints.

So the Stalinist purges begin! Those not sufficiently loyal to His Lord Trump will be exposed and deposed! All hail our glorious exonorator Barr!

Billy DisBarr [seems to be channeling][1] our own @theghostofeustacetilley ā€¦

WhichHunT!! NoW invesTigate the real collusioners, demonraTs and Hitlary, Uranium OnE, benghazi storCk aNd hiS forbIDden livOr Lisa PAge, and swaLWell treason for liBel oF President. DeeP sTate cannoOt do coo.

(Orā€¦ is it the other way round???)
[1]: Discussion: Trump On Releasing Mueller Report: Up To Barr, 'Wouldn't Bother Me At All' - #32 by theghostofeustacetilley