Discussion: Barr Follows GOP's Lead, Puts Together Team To Review How Russia Probe Began

Where is the investigation into the anti-Clinton NY FBI office? What a bunch of hypocrites. (Of course it’s today’s GOP)


This, of course, is total bullshit.

But, tell ya what … release the entire unredacted Mueller report and the underlying evidence. Then investigate and review away.

Pro tip - some of the information you want regarding how the investigation started is probably in that 400 page report that you’re using up 200 Magic Markers on to cover up for your boss. You’re probably redacting some of that very information. And, talk to Comey and McCabe - they may be able to help you out. Or just read their previous testimony.


They need to be careful what they wish for, because there is still a lot of information, not yet released, that is not exculpatory for many of the players, very likely including Trump.

It’s important to note also that they are mixing their metaphors. The Benghazi investigation got a lot of hearing time, including Hilary’s testimony, and targeted making Hilary look bad. Who are they chasing now? Nobody who’s at that level. This will not go well, but I suppose after they get into it, they can always pull back without revealing much.


The General Store has lots of rope.


So they really ARE gonna investigate the oranges?


They run the government, they investigate the government they run, and tell their voters how corrupt the government they run is, and their voters eat it up and vote them in.

Mad magazine couldn’t come with anything better than this.


Looks like we’re going to investigate every crackpot conspiracy that the fever swamps can conjure up.


Bought and paid for…I guess Rick Wilson is right…everything Trump touches turns to sht. Bye bye another Republican ‘reputation’.


Barr is smart, remember? hahaha. He is so out of his depth now. It’s as if, after some years as a successful medical examiner for an authoritarian regime, he shows up to his next job as Surgeon General lugging around a bone saw.


That a guy who has been obstructing justice his whole life wouldn’t hire an AG that gives him cover is a strains credulity. Every day this weaselly little prick proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. With the recent developments at Homeland security , all I have to say is …
Start Goosesteppin’ baby it wont be long


That’s Trump-stepping now. Gotta name stuff after yourself, you know.


And Faux is behind them on every nut bar theory .
Note Traveling in Europe with limited TV access.
Yesterday all the channels CNN BBC AlJazera all Israeli election all the time
The Faux Biosphere: nothing gets in Nothing gets out

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The whitewash express goes into overdrive.


Great opportunity for Dems to get these guys out by hammering about the path to a banana republicanism that these hacks are taking our country on. Sadly the Dems are busy fighting each other, some wanting the moon before they can even start fighting the barbarians at the door. Very sad.

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Shouldn’t the spend their time on more important crimes, like Devin’s mom and cow?


This is no joke. They will begin a witch hunt and they will bag and terminate their prey. We began a very legitimate search and got bupkiss. Aimed for the king and missed. We laugh at these horrible, horrible people at our peril. I am not saying it is over…but there shouldn’t be any more laughing. This isn’t “Chump WH in disarray” and “Chump’s presidency is a joke and is imploding”. No, as bad as you thought Republican “governance” WAS, it has entered a new phase where there is no return to normalcy. This isn’t an aberration that is going to float back to the mean. They are preparing a new order and have no plans that resemble the America we knew. Everyone on The Right is scrambling…but as good sheep no matter where the new line is drawn they will get behind their ‘leaders’. We have to understand the battlefield now and stop pretending it has any relation to the old one.


So someone on Barr’s team will be spending time tracking down Facebook posters with incredible theories, again.


So much for the Nancy Pelosi ‘Dream team’ and the containment of Trump. They’re going to get away with it thanks to weak leadership inside the Democratic Party.

Too bad Schiff isn’t party leader.

I don’t know what the grounds would be and does there really need to be any-it’s time to IMPEACH Barr. He auditioned for the job of AG with the memo he wrote prior to his confirmation, In fact that got him the nomination and I would be willing to bet he has already showed the Muller report to the WH and they had to read it to Trump because he is illiterate. He also couldn’t answer Brenda Lawrence’s question of who he worked for -trump or the American People. It was a simple yes or no answer and he balked. Seems to me that violates his oath of office. Impeach Barr.