Why not anorexia/bulimia Barbie?
Where’s ‘cutter’ Barbie?
Crazy ex-girlfriend stalker Barbie?
Whole population segments aren’t being adequately represented.
Why not anorexia/bulimia Barbie?
Where’s ‘cutter’ Barbie?
Crazy ex-girlfriend stalker Barbie?
Whole population segments aren’t being adequately represented.
Ridiculous. Manufacturers make what will sell. They are in business to make money, not to push misogyny. You have no one to blame, but yourselves.
Your point?
Almost all of those images are real bodies.
Notice also that I never claimed Barbie was the first female commercial media image.
Your point? Barbie SOLD and the others copied and followed.
Clearly missed by you.
Transgender Barbie
Professional Finger Wagger: “reluctant to celebrate Barbie’s new strategy because it doesn’t change the fact that Barbie dolls and other kinds of fashion dolls still over-emphasize female beauty. Sure, all body types should be valued. And, sure, all skin colors should be valued equally. But why must we keep sending girls the message that being beautiful is so important?”"
How about people make their own choices and buy the crap they like and refuse to buy the crap they don’t like?
Can “Militia GI Joe” modeled after Wo Fat be far behind? It’ll come fully accessorized with snacks, semi-automatic weapons, and a Gadsden flag.
The blond one has actual hips!
Because I’m all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble…
Barbie got back.
Yeah, you know it’s going to be an earworm for the rest of the night now.
You are lucky. The 6year old around here loves her some Barbie. I think they are so ugly
anyone who is offended at the very thought of buck’s worth of plastic selling for $20, will be even moreso when they come to know the LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) toys now littering wood-grain floors across the nation.
I call them LPOS, because the get underfoot late at night when I’m stumbling to the loo. …they are infinitely more painful than leggos. And they are even more worthless than a Barbie in terms of material substance.
and I still think they need an adjustable version… just to make things real.
When they get American South Barbie, let me know.
Comes with way too much bad ink, including neck tats and a tramp stamp, missing teeth due to a meth habit, and a history in amateur pornography.
Trailer sold separately.
One Barbie needs a big ole tattoo.