He would probably spout off about how having Congress in Trump’s pocket means that folks like him get to call the tune.
You can be for economically oppressed whites and against racism at the same time. Democrats by and large can walk and chew gum at the same time, so why can’t they do this as well? “We’re against avowed Nazis and overt white nationalist racists. We’re for the little guy, including you white ones, who can’t afford health care or college for your kids, and work for the current shamefully low minimum wage.”
Was that so hard?
Are we only for economically exploited people if they met our moral standards? Sure, there are lines whose crossing we cannot tolerate (like Nazis and such), but there are a whole lot of people who fall somewhere between Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler. And while we may not want to personally hang out with all of them, they certainly deserve the fair deal that the Democratic party stands for.
No he doesn’t. Though there was a lot in play, if he had that ‘firm’ grasp, then ‘44’ wouldn’t have won those two terms.
The full quote is better:
“He then won a landslide victory on a straightforward platform of economic nationalism.”
Of course, it wasn´t a landslide victory, and his platform was not ´straightforward economic nationalism´ - it was bullshit economic snake oil mixed with large doses of xenophobia and racism.
I hope you’re right.
But I don’t think it is a question of “is majority for white supremacy or against it?” And I don’t think it is about the Democratic party’s base.
I think what Bannon is saying – at least the way I read it – is that if they can provoke the Democrats into paroxysms of righteousness that end up alienating Obama/Trump voters, they’ve succeeded.
straightforward platform
Ha! Septic shock would be my first guess, a stray pus sac breaking loose from the roots of an infected, unwashed gin blossom, but it could be as simple as a couple of pints of MD 20-20 in his gut.
Trump has revealed himself to be such a coward! Maybe more descriptive term is “pussy.”? I don’t like to talk that way, but “ninny” doesn’t quite capture it. Too pusillanimous to fire this mega-ignorant worthless buffoon!
Bannon why don’t you come on out and say Trump is a racist? Oh, you just did. Bannon also admitted that Trump supporters are racist and could care less if Trump is, and even respect him for standing up for white people. I think that genie is out of the bottle for good now.
You are buying into a greatly embellished meme of Obama/Trump voters.
You need to be clear with yourself as to who the Dem base is and what they will and won’t tolerate. I was responding to rapsure’s idea that even Democrats are motivated by fear and racial resentment over racial equality.
Yes, the Dems are righteous over racism, sexism and homophobia. This is not a losing strategy with most Americans (not all). If YOU want to tolerate it, go ahead. Join the GOP if you’re not a member already.
shorter steve: so much winning
The bigger story is his Coconut Grove meth lab and party pad. He’s completely decadent and devoid of anything resembling a soul.
President Obama voters who voted for Trump are not racist. If they were they would not have voted for President Obama. I think that democrats who voted for Trump did not believe he was a racist. That genie is out of the bottle now. They have a choice to continue to support a racist or support someone who is not. Also, Trump has proven beyond a reasonable doubt before he came out of the closet as a racist that he is no populist.
Bannon thinks very highly of himself. He spoke with a pro-Bernie reporter and was playing to a Berner audience in that interview. In my view, he has given up on Trump and has plotted his exit strategy. But where he and Trump align is on the issue of using race as a wedge political issue. They believe in the crystallized minority concept, that whites can be nationalized to become a solid, immovable racial voting bloc. The truth is that the GOP gained some whites and lost others. It’s just that the distribution of those votes allowed them to make some electoral headway. Add to that Berner defections, Comey and Russia and that’s how Trump got his perfect storm. Frankly, if you took out the Comey and Russian aspect to the campaign, I don’t think Trump would’ve received more votes than an establishment Republican candidate.
I also predict, based on relative turnout in the special elections, that GOP turnout will drop in 2017-18. Like the end of the Bush years, more people will simply not identify as Republican, and will simply not vote. Trump has created a moral ambivalence among white voters which he will find difficult to fix. The first test case of my theory is the VA Gov race.
Bannon strikes me as an unimportant (though self-important) man in the administration, with no real leverage, constituency, or influence, who is desperately trying to appear significant.
Trump was never a closeted racist. His racism and misogyny was on full display throughout the campaign. He attacked Mexicans, a gold star family, Muslims, the disabled, and women regularly. During rallies he pointed out his “black” supporter(s) as if they were tokens. Anyone who voted for Trump knew what they were getting.
To be fair, the far left hasn’t a clue who the Democratic Party is.
I do not disagree with anything you say. I just think that people vote one way or the other based on a number of factors. I can envision an Obama/Trump voter strongly disapproving the Nazis and Trump’s endorsement of them, and also being turned off by tone deaf scolding that feels like a criticism of that voter.
Mostly because the far left isn’t a part of the Democratic Party. They think that they’re a majority (or at least half) when, in fact, they exist outside of the Party.
“This past election, the Democrats used every personal atack, including charges of racism, against President Trump,”
Ok, let us be honest, there were many possible options. So, so many options. Still are as well.
Bannon told the Post in an email. “He then won a landslide victory on a straightforward platform of economic nationalism.”
Yep, it is a landslide. The ground is slipping down the slope at an increasing pace. Hang on, it is getting really bumpy out there.
President Trump, by asking, ‘Where does this all end ,
Maybe they will start taking the Trump name off of things, like buildings as one suggestion.
It is offensive right?
“The race-identity politics of the left wants to say it’s all racist,”
You might want to check back in on your boss on that one bubba.
(Update: Whoops it looks like he lost his grip! Bannon Overboard!)